If she tried to flee the seen because she was on probation and most likely high on drugs, I bet the toxicology tests would prove that. She wanted to get out of mess she was in, Police agent tried to stop the car, and she rammed him. He was on the hood for like couple hundreds yards and the car is still moving. Agent wanted the car threatening his car to stop, so he terminated the driver. If this what happens, agent would get a pass.Jumping Frog wrote:Well, another example of someone failing to observe the "Iron Triangle": don't go stupid places with stupid people doing stupid things.JALLEN wrote:The news here tonight is that the agents were looking for a convict in an apartment. According to 2 witnesses, the woman was IN the apartment, and walked out passed the agents, and got in her car. The agent followed her demanding she talk to him, stop, etc. He was standing near the front of the car, with his foot in front of the left front tire and attempted to stop her from leaving. The reason she may have wanted to leave was that she was on probation for a drug related beef a year ago. The apartment is not where she lived, a party apartment with a "lot of traffic" per one witness.
http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2 ... apartment/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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- Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:07 am
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- Topic: CA woman fatally shot after allegedly driving into border ag
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