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by Beiruty
Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:37 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney is addressing the National Rifle Association
Replies: 46
Views: 5619

Re: Mitt Romney is addressing the National Rifle Association

Ron Paul, is my favorite, however, he is not pragmatic and diplomatic. He is too honest to be a politician. He says it like it is. Cut deficit or USA will break up into many regions with social unrest real social unrest a possibility. To have a test run just look at Greece and Iceland. Also, Ron Paul may save USA from being a failing empire like the British empire in late 1800s. The Military is geting too big to be sustainable for the long run. Heath care and social security and social welfare is what will destroy US.
A Polarized economy would also destroy America. Only balanced Budget, balanced economy and energy independent would save USA. No Rep or Dem can deliver a fix. A fix has to built ground up, all across left and right,
by Beiruty
Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:59 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney is addressing the National Rifle Association
Replies: 46
Views: 5619

Re: Mitt Romney is addressing the National Rifle Association

OldCannon wrote:
sjfcontrol wrote:
OK -- perhaps poorly worded. Hunting is an activity that may use firearms. That better? Obviously hunting does not require firearms.
Deer Stalking??
Yup, "stalking" -- in England, Scotland, "hunting" is considered a sport that involves the use of tracking dogs (deer, fox, etc.). "Stalking" is basically you and a scoped rifle, sneaking up on a deer.

And, yeah, I _do_ understand your point, but we have to exit the mentality that hunting is associated-with/enabled-by the 2A. They're mutually exclusive.

In US, no one does stalking anymore to take deers, cause it is too tough to be successful. Here in US, lazy rich guys dump couple grands, and get to sit in steel tower look at where the feeders are, wait till sun rise, see feeders heads spinning, hungry Bucks come for couple licks, :fire KABOOM!

Deer is down, Rush it to a Taxidermy and get it mounted in the Hall. :anamatedbanana
by Beiruty
Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:53 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney is addressing the National Rifle Association
Replies: 46
Views: 5619

Re: Mitt Romney is addressing the National Rifle Association

alvins wrote:my problem with him he is like oh i support 2nd ammendment because im a hunter.well i dont hunt so what does that make me?

i know some hunters that dont think you need a handgun for anything.For me talking about hunting has nothing to do with anything.
NRA supporter? Huh, he is an impostor.

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