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by Beiruty
Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:13 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Consequences For Holding A Bad Guy
Replies: 75
Views: 9603

Re: Consequences For Holding A Bad Guy

Talking about people browsing your garage.

This is a real story.
On a weekend, our neighbors had a garage sale. I do not like garage sales as it attracts shady people from all the way 1000 miles south of our house!
I left the house to get some groceries from the Kroger 2 blocks away, When I returned and I found out my garage still open (not sure why) and a unknown man and women were just trying to enter my house from the garage door, I mean they are in my house, in the laundry room, not just entering the garage.

I went to red condition (I was not carrying since I was waiting for my CHL at that time) and started to question them who they are and what are they doing in my house. I stopped them from leaving to till they are cleared and made sure nothing is missing from my house. They barely were able to speak a single word of English. After a while I figured out that they were browsing garage sales and they wanted to ask the house owner if something is for sale.

With the state of the economy so bad, those "browsers" just disappeared. Moreover, Garage door is all the time closed. :smash:
by Beiruty
Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:39 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Consequences For Holding A Bad Guy
Replies: 75
Views: 9603

Re: Consequences For Holding A Bad Guy

03Lightningrocks wrote:I have probably said this before, maybe even on this thread, but I can't picture myself saying "halt or I'll shoot". I may get killed one day because I don't pull a gun on someone prematurely but as god is my witness, I would never pull a weapon of mass destruction out and not at the same time pull the trigger. I guess I am saying that in my mind, if it is gun pulling time, it is a situation that my switch has already tripped into "kill or be killed". Someone who has broken into my home does not deserve the courtesy of an honorable confrontation. Out on the street, I am no cop so if I witness a crime that does not involve a BG doing physical violence on a good guy, I plan to stay holstered and be one very good(and alive) witness. It is a CHL... not a "Batman License".

PS... I would love for someone to steal my truck...LOL. If I woke up and caught a person breaking into my truck, I would stay in the house and call the cops. I can get more from the insurance company than I can sell it for. That same insurance company will pay to replace anything a theif steals and repair the damage he/she does. If the insurance company would like to send out an armed gaurd to "hold a bad guy" I will take them a cup of coffee when it is cold outside.

Anybody want to buy an F250 diesel that does about 10-12 MPG in the city...Nah... didn't think so. :mrgreen:

HOLD A BAD GUY??? You folks kidding me??? If the situation calls for "draw", it calls for "shoot". But then again, I have never considered drawing on Mormans handing out CD's or guys wearing ski masks in the winter.

It is a an option for some.

Example, an burglar was caught in the act in your house.
1) You confront the burglar with your pistol drawn
2) The burgular could be armed or not, not sure and it does not matter.

Your options:
A) Immediately Shoot to terminate the threat.
B) Order him to hit the ground face down (arrest him) and some how call 911 for backup
B1) Burglar may comply
B2) Burglar may flee the scene
B3) Burglar may attack you.

if B1) wait for 911, bad guy arrested.
if B2) wait for 911 bad guy is on the run
if B3) Burglar is dead.

Under A) or B3) the home owner is justified.

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