Can you elaborate on what that signage(SIGN=RED" or "SIGN=BLUE") means?srothstein wrote:The sign is only legal if it is backed up by the TABC decision, which is the legally defined standard. The license or permit will say "SIGN=RED" or "SIGN=BLUE" (just a minor correction of the above post).
One quick check that MAY help is to see on the TABC public inquiry web site if they have an FB certificate. This certificate is optional and means nothing if they do not have it. But if they do have it,the 51% sign cannot be legal.
If you honestly believe the sign is not properly posted, you may call the local TABC office and notify them to check the place. They will work with the licensee to get the correct signs posted.
Like Blue means no 51% sign needed or warranted and red means a 51% needs to be posted and is a legal sign or the other way around?