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by CainA
Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:24 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Getting a Lawyer: Before, during or after incidents ???
Replies: 11
Views: 2094

Re: Getting a Lawyer: Before, during or after incidents ???

..And not to throw off the topic too much...I've been walking around this earth for a while(unarmed) and haven't had any issue(s) where I felt I needed to be. Soooo, after I get my CHL, at least I know it's(gun) there when/if I need it(kinda like insurance) sure I do, which is a great piece of mind. And on the same note, sure you don't ever know 'when/if' you may need it, if ever, there's no crystal ball saying "hey, you're going to be confronted by a bad guy today at walmart" or whatever. Just something to think about. Hopefully most, will never have to draw their weapon, needless to say, fire it at a bad guy.
I guess my point is-is that I wouldn't worry about a lawyer at this point, maybe it's a little too premature, but then again, maybe not.

by CainA
Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:57 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Getting a Lawyer: Before, during or after incidents ???
Replies: 11
Views: 2094

Re: Getting a Lawyer: Before, during or after incidents ???

This may not help much, but it's my understanding that the police will collect whatever evidence, take your statement(with or without a lawyer-your choice) etc. etc. and present that to the D.A. It is then his/her job to decide to present that to a GJ(Grand Jury) or not. If it doesn't get past the GJ(no billed) then I don't think you'd need a lawyer, that's if it WAS A GOOD SHOOTING otherwise you bet you do.

But that's just my very simplifed understanding, which could be totally wrong.


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