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by SlowDave
Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:31 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: CHL holder in Louisiana saved police officer
Replies: 30
Views: 5583

Re: CHL holder in Louisiana saved police officer

Keith B wrote:
SQLGeek wrote:I'm still OK with my G19 and Kahr CM9 both in 9mm but I'd lie if this story didn't give me pause.
Understand that a 9mm, while the same caliber diameter of a .380 has a much stronger charge behind the bullet. In turn you will get better penetration and shock capabilities.

I personally am a fan of muzzle energy to get impact and penetration. I carry Corbon Pow'rBall ammo in my 9x19mm CCW's. When you look at the specs, it is a 110 grain bullet, but due to the +P nature of the charge, assuming you are shooting a 4" gun, it has a muzzle velocity of 1475fps and 483 ft-lbs of energy. That is more velocity and muzzle energy than a .357 magnum round. The .45 version of the Pow'rBall has a slower velocity 1225fps, but the muzzle energy is 550ft-lbs due to the 165gr bullet. If you compare it to even their best .380 round, it has a 70 grain bullet, 1100fps and only 188ft-lbs of muzzle angry, way under half of the 9mm and a third of the .45.

Appreciate the general discussion, but don't know that I agree with your numbers. According to this source: ballistics by the inch, the 9mm in any load cannot compare to a good load out of the .357 mag. It doesn't have the round you are discussing (Corbon 110g), but other 9mm Corbon +P rounds from 90 to 125 gr have muzzle energies of 417 to 442 out of a 4" barrel. (So close enough to your numbers.) The .357 mag on the other hand, from same 4" barrel, in Corbon bullet weights of 125 to 140 gr, have muzzle energies of 600 to 620 And note that there is a 110 gr Corbon .357 mag at only 403, but I wouldn't call that representative.

Interestingly, the same site provides 70 gr Pow'r Ball ammo from a 4" barrel in .380 as having muzzle energy of 239, so that's 49.5% of your 9mm number rather than "way under half".

Still, getting >400 out of a 9mm is impressive, but let's not confuse that with the .357 mag. And for all you ballistics junkies, that site is super cool!

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