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by SlowDave
Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:04 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Road rager on Beltway 8
Replies: 84
Views: 12119

Re: Road rager on Beltway 8

Boy, what a nerve. I learned to drive in Houston, and believe it or not, everywhere else pisses me off. Houston freeways transport a very high rate of people per lane-mile, IMHO. While you will be dead if you drive the speed limit in the left lane in Houston (and possibly in the right lane as well), in San Antonio, I can hardly ever reach the speed limit on 1604 as any semblance of traffic results in the fast lane running about 5 mph below the limit and the right lane 10-15 mph below the limit. Not a wreck or anything, I'm talking Saturday afternoon kind of light traffic. If I'm out there at 10 p.m. and go 7 mph over the limit (77 mph), I will pass EVERYONE.

Also, there's a weird deal here where people don't accelerate on the entrance ramp, but rather get up to speed over their first mile after entering the freeway. Stuff drives me nuts.

Anyway, my dad is a left laner, and it's all about selfishness. I'd argue that even the guy who stays in the left lane through town is wrong. It's just changing lanes. Not brain surgery. Move over, when you come to an entrance ramp and there are a bunch of people entering, you can move to the left if it's open, or not.

Whoever that was with the "don't make the other driver brake" plan, I thought surely I was the only one that thought that way. Exactly the same way I do it. Won't kill me to drop the cruise and let someone go by on the left before I pass the car in front of me on the right. If someone moves over for me after a quick flash of the brights, I always wave at them to thank them, and then I move over as soon as safe just to encourage them and help them see that I don't think I OWN the left lane and I will do the same as I ask them too: leave the L lane for passing. Also, you should always be happy to let a faster driver through. Think of him/her as a minesweeper for radar on your path and thank him as he goes by. I do. :cheers2:

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