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by Photoman
Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:11 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Letter in the Dallas Morning News along with my Reply Letter
Replies: 23
Views: 3222

Re: Letter in the Dallas Morning News along with my Reply Letter

numist wrote:Regarding part of Midgens letter in that he thinks narrowing down the entrances so that security can....
I guess he means those un-armed security guards that the malls employ?
The idea of security guards running metal detectors at malls will never happen. I think TXI made a good case for that in another thread where he calculated it would cost something like $30k a month. No mall has that kind of security budget. Besides, it wouldn't do any good anyway as the pimply-faced slacker would just shoot the guards and go right on in anyway.

It really is amazing how out of touch with reality these people are.
by Photoman
Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:59 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Letter in the Dallas Morning News along with my Reply Letter
Replies: 23
Views: 3222

Re: Letter in the Dallas Morning News along with my Reply Letter

"Keith J. Midgen of Plano: Our malls should be safe from gun violence"

Somebody needs to tell Keith Midgen to grow up. Yes, in a pre-pubescent dream world there is no violence, lots of chocolate cake without tummy aches and mommy tucks you in every night at bedtime.

Well guess what? The world is full of violence and too much chocolate cake makes you fat. Welcome to reality Mr. Midgen.

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