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by Piney
Thu Oct 19, 2017 12:03 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Clearing Overgrown Land
Replies: 34
Views: 11825

Re: Clearing Overgrown Land

If hand chainsawying or brush trimmer/sawing is the choice, I'd strongly suggest spraying the cut stumps with a strong herbicide (not Roundup for example). One's time is also valuable. Having to go back over the same area, like a road/trail, again and again can be worth a little extra $ up front. Once one gets the large brush manageable, then its just mowing-style maintainance.

I use Remedy in a diesel carrier mix (1:4) in a low volume sprayer--almost just dribbling on brush stumps.

TAMU's BrushBuster program web site has some good reading.

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