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by Piney
Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:01 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Looking for Armory for firearms Storage
Replies: 8
Views: 1942

Re: Looking for Armory for firearms Storage

Several years back, I had to store my collection, abet a small one, for several weeks during a flood-related house remodel. I asked around several of the gun shops but none would store them due to their insurance. I stopped by a small one I'd done business with in the past. He said he couldnt "store" them,but recommended that because the house got wet, they all needed to be cleaned and that my homeowner's insurance should cover that. He then indicated he was quite busy and the cleaning could take some time. What a coincidence that they were done when I moved back into the house. :roll:

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