All that I know is that I am a victim of conflicting stories. I have no way of verifiying whose story is correct the NRA's or GOA's. All I know is that bills are being toyed with to the extent that gun rights bills are killed and gun control bills are passed in various states and in the Federal level and the news from many sources is that an NRA staffer is responsible.
Colorado, January 2004, bill 1281 is introduced to the legislature which is an "Alaska style" carry bill for Colorado. The bill is killed within a few weeks, why?? A representative reported that he was told to kill the bill because it wasn't a good thing to pass during a re-election year for President Bush, it is too controversal. Months later, Bush was fine with being controversal during the re-election year with publicly announcing his attempt to pass laws against gay marriage, even a possible amendment to the US Constitution. So who is telling these representatives to kill the bill?? The fault lay with CSSA, the state level NRA affiliate who wanted the bill killed because it would reduce the NRA income from concealed carry course fees and memberships. Of course, that came from the GOA state level affiliate, but what should I believe??
How about Montana 2005?? Randy Kozuch, director of NRA/ILA's State and Local division, killed several gun rights bills with no explaination. Go to this site and read all about it.
On the Federal level.
What about the AWB in 2004?? It was attached to the gun manufacturers immunity bill 1805, which the NRA assured that the attachment would be stripped off in committee. Only problem with that is that is how we ended up with AWB passing in 1994, with the NRA saying the AWB would be stripped off in committtee, only it wasn't and gun owners were stuck with 10 years of AWB. In 2004, the law would be permanent, with no sunset, and yet the NRA was willing to take the gamble again, only this time GOA and state level "No Compromise" groups worked together to kill the entire bill, stating that it was too dangerous to trust to committees. Only near the end did the NRA change its stance to agree with GOA, due to the overwhelming pressure from these groups, and helped kill the entire bill. So who am I to believe??
There are many other issues that are never answered by the NRA, but I'm just suppose to hand them my money and hope that they are doing the right thing for gun owners??
Its not a matter of it being one or two minor issues, there are many and it happens every year. While all may not be a real issue for the NRA, enough continue to be unexplained to keep me from trusting the NRA with my precious funds. I have problems funding a gun group that is more concerned with their money than my gun rights and will always pick the former over the latter.
For now, I continue to fund GOA and several other state level "No Compromise" non-NRA groups. But if I were to find a reason not to believe their info I would reject them. If I were to find a reason to believe in the NRA, I would support them. But so far, I haven't found that reason to support the NRA and I continue to rip up all their offers for membership.
Don't tell me that the NRA also does good, that does not make up for the possible wrong doings they have done and not given a reason why. Don't tell me its not a perfect organization, as if the internal problems are few, they are not and at no time do they seem to be corrected, with people like Randy mentioned earlier punished, or even explained. Don't tell me to join and change the system from within, I think I'd have as much chance of doing that as I would joining Sarah Brady's organization and changing them to be pro-gun. The NRA system is what it is for a reason, and the reason does not seem to always be good for gun owners and in that respect it will not be changed.
Give me a real reason to like the NRA and I'll join, but don't expect me to join blindly or not question when things go wrong and not expect a full answer.
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- by explr2live
- Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:33 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: NRA against gun owners now?
- Replies: 32
- Views: 7780
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