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by ironsights
Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:15 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?
Replies: 63
Views: 7615

Re: group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?

God's blessing, good luck and staying safe is all i can hope to acomplish! thanks all!
by ironsights
Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:12 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?
Replies: 63
Views: 7615

Re: group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?

there were 4 males and three females. I was armed with a G26 extended mag with 15rds and a 10 rd. back up mag. also had a pocket .380 with two 6 rd. mags.

I was also aware of the crowd of people and knew a gunfight was a bad idea. I was also aware that if i called the police it would take some time for them show. Usually i can find one in a few seconds, but not this night.

I agree with the advice given however, and should have called police instantly. It is true that i might have backlash from this and would normally think that way but its true in a high stress situation that you lose alot of your abilities. I feel like i acted poorly in this situation and am thankful for all of your insight.
by ironsights
Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:26 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?
Replies: 63
Views: 7615

group of thugs on my car/ what would you do?

I was downtown working last Saturday evening and had to park my car in a less than desirable spot but one that i could see from my shop. As the night wears on and the people become drunk i notice a group of thugs and thier women sitting all over my car, on the side on the hood. I looked for an officer but could not find one so i got my pistol and the phone. I stood in the doorway to my shop with 911 on speed dial and asked them to get off my car. They told me that this wasnt my car and that they didnt have to do anything. I told them i would call the police and i started taking pictures of them with a camera i had on hand as well. One of the thugs decided that my car was junk so he said, and started kicking my car. I had just paid it off, five years of payments for this! I was so angry that he wouldnt stop. I wanted to draw my pistol and make him stop untill i could get help. I didnt know what my rights were so i just let him beat my car while my co worker got the police for me. The pictures i took were grainy and the police said they wouldnt be able to find them anyway. Now i have huge dents all down the side of my car and a huge rear end print on the hood!

last year i was hit and run in the same car by a thug, the police knew who he was and never did anything about it.
how many more times am i supposed to let someone tread on me. How many times will the sourness of my high tax bill come up my throat when i beg for police help only to be let down. I pay over 30% of my income to the IRS for this!

What would you do?

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