Search found 3 matches

by ironsights
Tue May 25, 2010 4:59 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: push on the front sight!
Replies: 14
Views: 3129

Re: push on the front sight!

It just goes to show that you can train for everything only to find something new everyday.
by ironsights
Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:37 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: push on the front sight!
Replies: 14
Views: 3129

Re: push on the front sight!

never try this at home...
by ironsights
Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:32 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: push on the front sight!
Replies: 14
Views: 3129

push on the front sight!

in close quarters if you push back with your palm on a
Glock slide via the front sight it will not fire...only one 16th of an inch. if it did it would fire out of battery,in close combat this could be usefull.

:coolgleamA: revolvers do not have this problem

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