I'm not saying you have to stop. I'm saying they can ask and it's not "kidnapping" if you stop, even if you think you're required to stop.bronco78 wrote:You stop and talk to those folks? I never have, smile, be polite say no thank you and keep on walking.. NOT ONCE has anything ever been said.bayouhazard wrote:You mean like asking to see your receipt before you leave the store?Beiruty wrote:pulling over is legal detention, i.e you can't leave, it is a kind of "kidnapping" if done by none LEO. I say they have no legal base to pull you over.
Anyway, in a gated community with an HOA they might be able to fine residents even if they don't stop. If you post an unauthorised lawn sign, they can take a picture and send you a letter. It seems like tHey could do the same for running a stop sign in the neighborhood if HOA rules say so. They don't have to prove you posted that sign so they wouldn't have to prove it was you driving your car either.
The best defense is don't live in a HOA infected neighborhod.