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by bayouhazard
Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:56 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident
Replies: 72
Views: 11611

Re: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident

Oldgringo wrote:
Matthew Evans, 20, the driver of the truck told offers he was intentionally antagonizing Smith, but thought they were just “messing around” up until the point shots were fired.
People like this are allowed to breed and to vote?
That's why I would say not guilty if I was on the jury.

I think the shooter handled it wrong but I want bullies to worry that someone might fight back since, based on the behavior I see on the freeways around here, the DA/police have no interest in arresting people for assaultive threats with a motor vehicle.

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