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by Griz44
Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:27 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356
Replies: 69
Views: 11712

Re: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356

so Griz44. Sounds like you also believe Utah residents with a Utah CHL should not be recognised in Texas?
I did not say that. That's not even on the same planet to what I said. If they have a license in their home state, why would it make any difference at all if they had a license from every state they could get one in?
We were discussing Texas residents, and Texas licenses. I occasionally take out of state customers hunting. Some of them have CHL licenses from their home state, and carry legally in Texas. There's no problem with that. They don't use a Texas license to skirt the requirements of their home states minimum standard. I don't give a flip about what any person who is a Utah resident does, has or wants. That's Utah's business, not ours.
by Griz44
Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:17 am
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356
Replies: 69
Views: 11712

Re: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356

And most of the reasons for getting a Utah over Texas license seem to cite the fiscal burden over all others.
Considering the cost of a firearm, holster and ammunition for practice and carry, the whole fiscal argument just doesn't hold water.
Discussion with those who cite fiscal reasons for this decision usually reveal expenditures on beer, cigs, boats, hunting leases, eating out, etc...... to be far more costly than a license and a class. Especially when considering the cost of the Utah class and license as a delta compared to a Texas platform. The added cost is pretty slim. Most I have discussed this with cite the 4 hour class and no shooting as the primary reasoning. Three that have attended my class (with a Utah license) stated they had never fired a handgun. They had joined me at a safety class prior to enrolling in the CHL class. A few cite previous legal troubles. Not a single one has mentioned the cost as a primary reason.

Deferred adjudication for a felony has a 10 year waiting period from date of conviction. It is not considered a conviction.
by Griz44
Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:58 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356
Replies: 69
Views: 11712

Re: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356

Are you one of them?
Sounded like a direct first person accusation to me.
You need to be careful with your veiled threat
No intention or verbiage that could be construed a threat, I don't think or act that way. If you took it that way, I apologize.

Attitude checked, opinions - well never..... (one of two OK?)

I would still like to meet you, Jim says you are a very interesting person with some very interesting opinions.
by Griz44
Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:38 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356
Replies: 69
Views: 11712

Re: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356

As I mentioned in another post, Rep. Lon Burnum has recruited a small number of Texas CHL Instructors to contact their students and ask them to support his anti-gun HB356. If you happened to get such a call, please consider posting that instructor's name here on TexasCHLforum so the folks generating our 7 to 9 million hits each month will have this information when deciding who to use for CHL training.
If I did get such a call, I would post their name on my own website and caution folks to stay away from them, as this shows a definite lack of integrity. IMHO, pushing any political agenda in class is a big no-go. That is what we as conservatives complain so much about with our state funded colleges, professors who push agendas in class.
by Griz44
Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:29 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356
Replies: 69
Views: 11712

Re: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356

Rep. Lon Burnam has recruited betweend 2 and 4 Texas CHL Instructors to call their students and ask them to support his anti-gun bill. Are you one of them?
Please be careful where you go with accusations. I do not know you, and you do not know me. I will answer your question, just as I answered your question about my own possible conflict of interest, which I never received a response from. Absolutely not. I will not, and have not ever sold my integrity for any reason. I do not know the man, have never met the man, have never spoken to him or any of his supporters or ever received any correspondence from him. When I made my first post on this topic, I could not have named the author. Conflict of interest is not a game I have ever played. I can't say that for several of the Utah CHL instructors I have spoken with. There was a definite financial conflict there, since 2 of them I spoke with earn 100% of their income from CHL classes. Many of the arguments I see here have reasonable merit, that still does not explain why a Texan with a clean record would not go get a Texas license. As mentioned above, if you are in hot water and they take your license for legal cause, maybe you should not be carrying. As for supporting Constitutional carry, you bet. No rules, no problem. Even Constitutional carry has its boundaries though, like felons who cannot own or even be around firearms. But we do have rules and laws. Make those rules and laws beneficial for those who live and work here, and that for me, means not shipping our money to Utah in an effort to cheat the system. Maybe the wording of the bill needs to be refined. I am not a lawyer, and don't like the ones I've had dealings with. I do read and pay attention to comments here, and I can see that some of the verbiage probably needs tweaking. For those who are really Americans, you realize that political discussion is an essential element of the Democratic process. Discussion enlightens us and makes us better informed voters. Every statement I make, I attempt to explain the reasoning behind it. Many of the arguments I get back are simple emotional responses. There are also many among the conservative group that play follow the leader and don't ask why. Don't be "That Guy". I do not push any agendas in my classes. I teach the authorized materials, the current laws only, with no personal opinions interjected. I hold them to the authorized proficiency. I do ask my students to please take a look at the TSRA website, show them the link, and explain to them the role the TSRA has had in originating and advancing the CHL program. I do ask them to help support our cause by joining or making a donation.
by Griz44
Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:13 am
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356
Replies: 69
Views: 11712

Re: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356

The CHL is not a "good" thing in and of itself, it is only "good" in the sense that it was a HUGE step forward from where Texas stood for about 130 years, until the mid 1990s.
On this we are in total agreement. If one of our law makers were to introduce a bill to totally remove all restrictions and all current laws concerning carry in any fashion, ie Constitutional carry in the purest sense of the meaning, I would support that 100%.
by Griz44
Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:53 pm
Forum: 2011 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356
Replies: 69
Views: 11712

Re: ACTION NEEDED: Hearing on Anti-gun HB356

Thank you for the reminder.

I will send out my faxes (again) in the morning supporting this piece of PRO-TEXAS legislation.
Not one single person has been able to substantiate the claim of anti-gun on this bill.
What is in the verbage that got it this label?
All I see is a PRO-TEXAS statement. And yes, I have read this very short bill multiple times.
Nothing in the bill restricts a Texans right to carry.
Nothing in this bill restricts an out of state CHL licensed visitor from carrying.
Nothing in this bill prevents a Texan from acquiring an out of state license to complement the Texas license.
This bill does one thing only - requires a Texan to have a license in his/her own state.
This is no different than requiring a Texas resident to acquire a Texas drivers license after establishing residence in Texas.
Everything in this bill protects the Texas CHL system from actually becoming the joke that it was well on it's way to being.
This bill is not targeted at Utah, although Utah is the reason the ball on this started rolling in the first place.
Passing this bill will help protect Texas from future Utah-like watering down of the current Texas CHL program.
Even Utah had enough common sense to do something about it. Many other states have already passed legislation like this.

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