That sounds like anyone with a dishonorable discharge deserved it and I might think that if I didn’t know four people that were railroaded. I know of one Air Force guy (I don’t know his final discharge but he was forced out on a trumped up sexual harassment charge in the early 90’s), another AF guy given a dishonorable discharge for a first offense who did something stupid but nowhere near a felony and two Army guys who were charged with things they didn’t do, the fact is that when you are enlisted you can get superiors that can ruin your life if they don’t like you. One Army guy I know ended up in Leavenworth and from what I know of the circumstances he was used as an example. I’ve seen too much abuse of power and rank during my short time in the military to believe everyone with a dishonorable discharge committed “felonies”. I’ve seen many “lesser” instances of higher ranking guys with a personal agenda ruin a persons career. I saw one Army guy kicked out of tech school by an instructor who didn’t like him, I trained along this guy and he was probably the sharpest one in the class but he made an instructor mad and that instructor failed him enough times that he was forced out of tech school.ScottDLS wrote:In order to receive a Dishonorable discharge you must be convicted of a felony grade offense by a court martial. It can not happen administratively so it technically requires being a convicted felon anyway.1911 10MM wrote:You are correct just never thought much about it. Thinking about now I guess it makes sense just never put two and two together.MechAg94 wrote:It is one of the questions on the 4473 form to buy a gun.1911 10MM wrote:I was unaware a dishonorable discharge removed gun rights. Can someone cite a source for this information?
I know I’m taking some liberty with what you posted but I want people to understand an opposing opinion of a dishonorable discharge from my first hand experiences.