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by Purplehood
Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:08 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder
Replies: 99
Views: 18508

Re: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder

Paul Harvey must be rolling over in his grave right about now.
by Purplehood
Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:56 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder
Replies: 99
Views: 18508

Re: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder

And now you have the rest of the story...

I screwed up. I thought he was on the phone to 911, but it was the lady of the house.
by Purplehood
Fri Sep 10, 2010 7:57 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder
Replies: 99
Views: 18508

Re: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder

Oldgringo wrote:
Again it should never have happened as it should have been dealt with by the authorities in the beginning.
There it is.
I have to agree.
by Purplehood
Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:45 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder
Replies: 99
Views: 18508

Re: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder

Dave2 wrote:
Purplehood wrote:The guy genuinely thought it was his house. The lady inside knew he was nutso. How does walking out the door and taking shots at a guy on the phone show up as justification for the use of deadly force?
Precisely because he was "nutso". Put yourself in his shoes...
Somebody has illegally entered your home, and is doing all kinds of unfathomable things with whatever and whomever (ie, visiting family & friends) is inside. You've reported them before, but the authorities won't come to your aid. Time is running out! You've gotta do something! So you call a locksmith to get you into your house because the bad guys have changed the locks (which just enrages you more). What are you going to do when you finally get into your own house and can confront the BGs? The details of my actions would of course depend on the circumstances, but I doubt it would end well for the burglars/murders/rapists/etc. One thing's for sure, I wouldn't start the process without being armed in some way, even if it's just the knife built into my multi-tool.

Admittedly, there are a few leaps of logic in there, but nothing that seems too implausible to me. And I've got the benefit of having all my faculties.

Now look at it from the homeowners point of view...
There's an [insert favorite expletive] CRAZY person with all the above paragraph -- and probably more -- running through his head trying to break into your home and do something to you and your family! He's tried stuff in the past, but this time it's scarier. You've reported him before, but the authorities won't come to your aid. Time is running out! You've gotta do something! You can't wait for him to get inside... he's crazy, who knows what he'll do then? In fear for your life and the lives of your loved ones, you take your gun and shoot only at the bad crazy guy (not the innocent locksmith who's been duped) three times. Problem (finally) solved.

Again, there are a few leaps of logic in there, but nothing that seems too implausible to me.

I'm not sure if I think the shooting was justified or not, but I'm pretty sure it's not as clear-cut as you make it seem. The article omits many relevant facts that would sway me one way or the other.
He was not presenting an immediate threat. He did not fit any legal definition that would justify the use of deadly force. Once the locksmith let him in, that would change. At that point I seriously doubt that any charges would have been levelled at her.
by Purplehood
Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:52 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder
Replies: 99
Views: 18508

Re: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder

My point is this. He was a guy standing outside on the porch with a phone in his hand. The woman might have had more justification for shooting the locksmith at the time than she might have had shooting the coo-coo guy.
by Purplehood
Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:11 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder
Replies: 99
Views: 18508

Re: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder

seamusTX wrote:
Purplehood wrote:Did I read the article correctly? It seemed like she came out of the house while the old guy trying to get into the house was on the phone with 911. Why was he talking to 911?
If, as reported, he was mentally ill, you can't expect his actions to make sense.

My mother was in the hospital in the same room with a woman who had some kind of delusional or dementia problem. The woman thought she was in her home. Every time we walked in to visit our mother, the other woman started yelling about strangers being in her home and calling the police. Whatever was wrong with her, she could not manage to dial a number on the phone.

That was before 911 was invented. You had to dial some number like 555-1212 for the police.

As for the resident coming out to confront the intruder, we have that age-old debate about where to initiate your defense. My house has a fatal funnel built into it, and I ain't goin' out.

- Jim
Nut-case or not, the guy thought something was wrong and was trying to get the police to intervene. We hear legal terms such as "intent" brought up not only as a defense but actually spelled out in law.
The guy genuinely thought it was his house. The lady inside knew he was nutso. How does walking out the door and taking shots at a guy on the phone show up as justification for the use of deadly force?

Based on the limited info we have thus far:

-The failure of the local authorities to take any action to stop this guys behavior directly led to the death of a mentally-ill person. He was not a homicidal mentally-ill person from what I can gather.

-The woman let her emotions take over. Yes, I would be disgusted with the police, mental-health authorities and anyone else that I can think of. But in no circumstances does that justify one taking a shot at someone that is not threatening you with harm. This just plays into the hands of the hand-wringing anti-gun people that believe that simply having a gun in hand compels one to use it (wow, I got "hand" into a single sentence 3 English teacher from 4th grade is probably going nuts).

-Would this woman have taken the same action if it was her mentally-ill relative trying to get in the house, or would she have tried to come up with a less lethal solution?

I cannot by default excuse all "self-defense" shootings.
by Purplehood
Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:55 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder
Replies: 99
Views: 18508

Re: Dallas: Resident arrested after shooting intruder

Did I read the article correctly? It seemed like she came out of the house while the old guy trying to get into the house was on the phone with 911. Why was he talking to 911?

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