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- Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:22 pm
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
I wanna talk about fast cars, myself.
- Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:45 am
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- Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:08 am
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
So if I believe that a particular topic on a particular forum has gone particularly batty, I have established a new and unique religion?
- Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:02 am
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
The absence of religion makes it a religion?
- Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:20 pm
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
Next time I am reading my stack of American Rifleman in my home "office" on the back of my porcelain throne, I will find the article and point you all at it.
- Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:17 pm
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
I read about it all the time in that propaganda rag I get every month, called "American Rifleman". I read that sucker cover to cover. Current events suggest that the FCC is now trying to get rid of the large right-wing broadcasters and allow "local" (read that as "the Proletariat") stations to take their wrote:Do you have any evidence that this is or has ever happened? I am not disputing it, I am just asking.Purplehood wrote:What I am vainly trying to say is that I don't like the past or current administrations manipulation of licenses through the FCC being used to silence detractors. I really need to get back to 2 or 3 cups of coffee in the morning, I can't think straight on just one.
Obviously, there is no explicit intent or FCC rule to restrict or change licenses according to licensee's political philosophy or opinions being expressed on the air. This would be a gross violation of freedom of the press and free political speech and would represent corruption in government that should put people in prison.
The only times I recall where the President made an effort at controlling broadcast media was the Clinton-era "fairness doctrine" (which was not an FCC rule) and the current administration's public position regarding Fox News.
EDIT: Since sarcasm is hard to show in print, I am being silly when I call it a propaganda rag. Carry on.
- Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:32 am
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
What I am vainly trying to say is that I don't like the past or current administrations manipulation of licenses through the FCC being used to silence detractors. I really need to get back to 2 or 3 cups of coffee in the morning, I can't think straight on just one.
- Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:48 am
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
purplehood wrote: I think that the FCC should only monitor the airwaves for violations of laws (not FCC regulations). If a TV or Radio station wants to run trash, let it run trash. It will either thrive or go broke. That is free speech. I don't have problems with rating a TV or Radio station, but that should be done by someone other than the FCC and not have any binding influence on those same stations. It should simply be a tool.
I need to clarify here:mr.72 wrote: It is not done by the FCC. But I'm with you. However, you may be shocked to find just what will die off and what will not. Take the taxpayer's money out of PBS and NPR and they will disappear in less than a week.
My real problem with the FCC is their apparent ability to regulate licenses for stations. As I so ineloquently tried to explain in my previous post, the market should do this. Not the FCC.
- Wed Oct 28, 2009 12:44 pm
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
As an additional clarification to the above, I would submit that lifting a Marine Expeditionary Unit from Japan, or an Army Armored Brigade from Europe is logistically much easier than from the Continental US to anywhere wrote:I think you might mean strategic here. Military strategy is concerned with longer term goals and how specific actions are related. Tactics usually pertain to short term actions like how to take a hill or defend a position.XtremeDuty.45 wrote: There are soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines sitting on their "duffs" ALL over the world and they are in those places for a reason...a tactical reason.
Regardless, having a worldwide US military presence is a very important part of US defense strategy. It keeps bad guys off of our shores, shores up our relations with our allies and allows us to keep an eye on hot spots from a much closer position.
- Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:15 am
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
I know, I was there. But our initial presence was pretty much limited to SpecOps troops only. It was half-hearted and reminded me of our Observers at the start of our part of the Vietnam conflict. It has only slowly ramped up to anything appreciable.3dfxMM wrote:We did go to Afghanistan first. We went there within weeks of 9/11 and were there for almost two years before we went to Iraq.Terrorists blow up the WTC, we ID them, and we go after the country that we know didn't have anything to do with it (Iraq), and leave the one that we know did (Afghanistan) alone. I am for the war in Afghanistan. That is where we should have gone in the first place.
- Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:38 am
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
Wow. I sat on my "duff" for a total of 4-1/2 years in Japan on two separate tours. I wonder what your opinion of the Government and Military would be if all of the troops sitting on their duffs in the Pacific were sent to Iraq and Afghanistan and the North Koreans or Chinese woke up and noticed the power-vacuum. I don't doubt for a minute that someone, somewhere in that neck of the woods would hesitate to take advantage of our absence.marksiwel wrote:I'm a 25 year old, who lives in the Austin Area. I've never been in the military, never been a cop. Have only been into firearms for alittle over a year. I lean right when it comes to Money, but I'm a raging lefty when it comes to peoples "Rights". I'm all for gay marriage polygamy, nudity in public, breast feeding, I want to get rid of the Mpaa for Censorship, I get mad that Public and Private TV is censored to such an extreme. I dont understand why I cant own a Machine gun without the government Games.
I'm strangly for the Iraq and Afghanistan war and wish we would send every troop we have sitting on their duffs in Germany and Japan to Afghanistan and Iraq and get the job done right.
I'm Pro Choice, but wish there wasnt a need for abortions.
I wish Frank and Open talks about sex would take place at home, but am fine with the schools forcing kids to open their darn fool heads and learn the facts.
I cant stand the Religious right in this country and how they turn separation of church and state into a "War on Christmas"
I dont think global warming is "real" but am all for doing everything we can to stop the pollution on the planet
My wife is becoming a Lawyer, I work as a dog groomer
I am and have been against the war in Iraq. Terrorists blow up the WTC, we ID them, and we go after the country that we know didn't have anything to do with it (Iraq), and leave the one that we know did (Afghanistan) alone.
I am for the war in Afghanistan. That is where we should have gone in the first place. The problem with that conflict is that it can never be won until the people of Afghanistan are brought out of the stone age and leave behind the trappings of tribalism. They need a complete basic infrastructure (roads, irrigation, communications, banking and security - army and police). With that, they will realize that they are a nation and not just a member of the local Pashtun, Dari or whatever tribes. Until then, they simply do not care about their neighbor, let alone their government.
Unlike a large majority of posters on this board, I did not grow up Liberal and "wisely" become a Conservative. I grew up incredibly Conservative (which equates to me as = leave Big Business alone) and gradually became Liberal when it comes to our general preoccupation with imposing religion and all its trappings on what is supposed to be a secular nation (Separation of Church and State).
I could care less about Gay marriage or Gay divorce. That is for gay folks to decide, not me. It is simply none of my business to get into other peoples business. All this tripe about its threat to marriage, the family and our children is simply ridiculous. What scares me is the growing trend of women to feel that they no longer need a man in their lives. That is what is really tearing up the fabric of our society IMHO.
Global Warming is a joke. Any school kid that reads his science-book knows that this planet has been through a number of Ice Ages. We are just now coming off the tail-end of another one. Coming off of an Ice-Age means that it is getting warmer. Get it?
I am pro-choice. I think abortion sucks. I really think third-trimester abortion sucks. I don't like seeing abortion used as birth-control. I do however feel that a woman has the absolute right to refuse or request an abortion. I also think that a Christian Scientist that wants to refuse medical treatment has that right. I think that those same Christian Scientist parents do not have the right to refuse Emergency (trauma) treatment for their child that has not yet had the opportunity to decide if their parents faith is right for them. When it comes to long-term medical care (Cancer, diseases, etc.) I feel pretty much the same way, but would probably give those same parents more leeway.
I also despise how a generation ago us baby-boomers all started feeling guilty about how kids were raised, and decided to allow the local PTA to take over the raising and care of our children. Kids need to be spanked when they are bad, but NEVER abused. Religion should stay out of school. If you want religion in your kids school-life, send them to a private school. Politics should stay out of school. Kids should be taught Civics and be made aware of how our nation works, but they should never be taught to sing "Kumbayah (sp?)" to the great President.
As long as we let people drink booze, we should let them smoke marijuana. I don't do either, and I don't plan to. But I don't see what the difference is. People become sheer idiots using both. Tax it and forget about it.
I think that the FCC should only monitor the airwaves for violations of laws (not FCC regulations). If a TV or Radio station wants to run trash, let it run trash. It will either thrive or go broke. That is free speech. I don't have problems with rating a TV or Radio station, but that should be done by someone other than the FCC and not have any binding influence on those same stations. It should simply be a tool.
I believe that the USA is a nation of immigrants and it is what has made us the country that we are today. I believe that during our entire history we have discriminated against the latest group of immigrants without exception. Whoever was here first, complained about whoever came next. I cannot think of a single ethnic or religious group to come ashore that did not offend someone that was already here.
Get off the immigration issue and enforce our borders. Our strength is in our diversity.
I believe that the absolute coolest cars in the world are those that can be called "MOPAR". If they are over 30 years old or have an SRT tag on them, then they are even better.
- Mon Oct 26, 2009 3:31 pm
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- Topic: Types of People Post on this Forum
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
Prostitution is pretty-much government-run in Japan. Stringent hygiene inspections, etc. I know this from a friend of a friend!PUCKER wrote:Prostitution - what consenting adults do is their business, not mine. Just tax it and then the government is happy. It's legal in certain counties in Nevada anyway (ie - Bunny Ranch).
This is definitely an interesting thread!
- Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:57 am
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- Topic: Types of People Post on this Forum
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
Control of the media is a first step to breaking down our society. BHO, George Soros and Bloomberg are just the visible point-men in the continuing march to reintroduce the Internationale to the world.
- Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:20 am
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Re: Types of People Post on this Forum
I was beginning to wonder why I never got Christmas cards from OverEasy.