This is a much higher risk in areas where firearms are looked down upon, because many if not most officers come on the force with no prior shooting experience and many of them actually dislike carrying a gun. These folks train as infrequently as possible and to the minimum standards their departments will allow. Ignorance of firearms is even sometimes a bragging point among the brass.philip964 wrote: ... 6f6da2f37c
One of the comments below the article mentions gun rule what is it four, know what is beyond your target. Do people in California actually know that stuff.
I would suspect the police in San Fransisco will now not be allowed to have bullets.
Street officers in these agencies tend to empty the magazine during shootings because that's the only way they think they can assure a hit on their intended target, who often emerges unscathed as in this incident.
The street results of all this are unsurprising and predictable.
You might also note that, for the opposite reason, Texas police have no shortage of deadly encounters with bad guys, but hits on innocents are exceedingly rare.