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by Excaliber
Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:21 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Riots in London
Replies: 70
Views: 9668

Re: Riots in London

tacticool wrote:
RPB wrote:Thanks Andy
allowing police to order thugs to remove masks or hoods

They can't now?
They need permission first?
The government doesn't want to appear intolerant of their religious and cultural traditions.
Apparently their tolerance extends to situations where those traditions are no religion and criminal culture.

They're reaping what they've sown.
by Excaliber
Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:37 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Riots in London
Replies: 70
Views: 9668

Re: Riots in London

Apparently these folks don't have the equivalent of our Texas Rangers.

The rule here has always been:

1 riot, 1 Ranger.

We should count our blessings that what we see happening all over London would come to a quick and definitive end if it were ever tried in Texas.
by Excaliber
Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:13 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Riots in London
Replies: 70
Views: 9668

Re: Riots in London

RHenriksen wrote:
philip964 wrote:They interviewed a police chief in the London area. He said he wouldn't order the water cannon on the rioters, because if someone was injured, that decision would be unfavorably reviewed afterwards.

Just because the rioting is dieing down, I don't believe the rioters have learned anything negative from their experiences. I suspect they have enjoyed and profited from it. So I suspect we will see more of it in the future.
Sounds like decades of namby-pamby policies have conditioned the police quite thoroughly. The powers that be *ought* to look at the level of second-guessing of the police if they want a different outcome in the future

[/Captain Obvious]
That's true.

The subtext in the police chief's statement is that he knows what to do and is capable of doing it, but he knows that after he successfully puts down the riot, the people and the government will both turn on him and he'll lose his career so he's sitting on his hands and letting the situation the politicians and the electorate have set up play out.

If they want a different result, they'll have to change the rules the police operate under. Otherwise, they should get used to what they're seeing today.
by Excaliber
Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:04 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Riots in London
Replies: 70
Views: 9668

Re: Riots in London

RPB wrote:
Vic wrote:
Beiruty wrote:Can the shop owner sue the goverment for failure to defend their properties? Or, who is going to pay for the damages and lost live-long family business?
That's a VERY interesting question. I have no idea how it works overseas, but I'm pretty sure all of my various insurance policies specifically exclude damages caused by riots, war and civil unrest. If my property gets damaged or destroyed in a riot, the insurance won't pay. I really hope these business owners in London are compensated better than I would be.
You have to understand that in unarmed societies like Virginia Tech, the UK, the Nanny government responsible for failing to protect must pay
By Rosie Murray-West, Deputy Personal Finance Editor
12:04PM BST 09 Aug 2011 ... olice.html" onclick=";return false;
UK riots: insurers 'will pay claims then recover money from the police'
Britain’s police forces could face a bill for tens of millions of pounds from insurance companies because property was damaged in the rioting while the “police effectively failed to keep law and order”.

UK riots: not insured? Send your claim to the police instead ... stead.html" onclick=";return false;
The UK government reimbursement provision that provides reimbursement for protective failures has no parallel in the U.S.

Our courts at all levels have repeatedly held that the police have only a general obligation to protect the public, and have no obligation at all to protect any individual from harm. That's why no matter how much crime occurs, you won't see a successful police liability lawsuit here unless there's some other complicating factor at work.

The only exception is if the police agree to provide special protection to someone and harm comes to them. That's why police agencies won't agree to provide protection for people under threat and tell folks to call when the threat is actually on the doorstep.
by Excaliber
Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:25 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Riots in London
Replies: 70
Views: 9668

Re: Riots in London

can2boy wrote:now the prime minister is considering rubber bullets! the rioters are shaking in their boots!
Oh, no, not rubber bullets!!

Maybe they could soften the blow by calling them "elastomeric projectiles"........

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