RHenriksen wrote:philip964 wrote:They interviewed a police chief in the London area. He said he wouldn't order the water cannon on the rioters, because if someone was injured, that decision would be unfavorably reviewed afterwards.
Just because the rioting is dieing down, I don't believe the rioters have learned anything negative from their experiences. I suspect they have enjoyed and profited from it. So I suspect we will see more of it in the future.
Sounds like decades of namby-pamby policies have conditioned the police quite thoroughly.
The powers that be *ought* to look at the level of second-guessing of the police if they want a different outcome in the future
[/Captain Obvious]
That's true.
The subtext in the police chief's statement is that he knows what to do and is capable of doing it, but he knows that after he successfully puts down the riot, the people and the government will both turn on him and he'll lose his career so he's sitting on his hands and letting the situation the politicians and the electorate have set up play out.
If they want a different result, they'll have to change the rules the police operate under. Otherwise, they should get used to what they're seeing today.