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by Excaliber
Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:57 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Bearer of (evidently new) CHL exposes self at Plano Academy
Replies: 41
Views: 4544

Re: Bearer of (evidently new) CHL exposes self at Plano Acad

VoiceofReason wrote:
SQLGeek wrote:One thing I've learned in my short life: don't underestimate the level of stupidity people are capable of reaching.

Edit: Fixed my spelling.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
Gotta add that to my repertoire of quotes on tap. Thanks!
by Excaliber
Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:47 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Bearer of (evidently new) CHL exposes self at Plano Academy
Replies: 41
Views: 4544

Re: Bearer of (evidently new) CHL exposes self at Plano Acad

SQLGeek wrote:One thing I've learned in my short life: don't understimate the level of stupidity people are capable of reaching.
Good observation.

Our imaginations have limits.

Stupidity does not.

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