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by Excaliber
Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:52 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.
Replies: 28
Views: 3755

Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.

Deltaboy wrote:A 2011 Darwin award nominee! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

What a waste of life! :txflag:
Not necessarily.

While some folks' purpose in life is to serve as a good example, other folks' mission is to serve as a warning to others.

I would suggest that the central character in this incident fits into the second category.

He's getting lots of press and making a lot of folks think.
by Excaliber
Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:21 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.
Replies: 28
Views: 3755

Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.

Dave2 wrote:
Excaliber wrote:
george wrote:"had not gotten a permit through the sheriff's office to purchase a handgun"

For explanation, the poor people in North Carolina still have this law on the books, going back to reconstruction. Supposedly, the original intent of these laws were to insure you had the proper skin color to purchase a pistol. Most of the states around here have since repealed these laws, but those guys in North Carolina are a little slower than most.
I haven't spent much time there, but if the deceased subject of the news article is representative of the general population, it would be difficult to disagree with you.
It's usually kinda hard to make the news by being representative of the general population.
"rlol" Point very well taken!
by Excaliber
Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:57 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.
Replies: 28
Views: 3755

Re: NC: Violating all four rules = R.I.P.

george wrote:"had not gotten a permit through the sheriff's office to purchase a handgun"

For explanation, the poor people in North Carolina still have this law on the books, going back to reconstruction. Supposedly, the original intent of these laws were to insure you had the proper skin color to purchase a pistol. Most of the states around here have since repealed these laws, but those guys in North Carolina are a little slower than most.
I haven't spent much time there, but if the deceased subject of the news article is representative of the general population, it would be difficult to disagree with you.

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