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by Excaliber
Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:50 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Attemped Burglary
Replies: 17
Views: 4060

Re: Attemped Burglary

Keith B wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Excaliber wrote:
Vecco wrote:I would never loan anyone ( maybe a family member) a gun ever.. I would always help them buy the gun they needed and help them with safety and aim.
Someone who is serious about self protection will buy a gun for themselves - they're not that expensive.

I would worry about the plans of folks who would like to have one around without making that small investment.

It's worthwhile to keep in mind that just a few months ago the former mayor of Coppell used a gun borrowed from a friend to kill her 19 year old daughter and herself.
I have a neighbor across the street who knows I have guns, and he and his son have been to the range with me and my son once. He keeps saying he would like to buy a gun some day, but his wife's eyes get big as saucers whenever he says it. Then he just says, "if there's ever any trouble, I'll be coming over to your house." I tell him, "what do you expect me to do? I'm not going to shoot your bad guys unless they're inside my house threatening me." He's a perfect example of someone who acknowledges that it would be a good idea to have a gun around, and would like to someday own one, but doesn't care enough about it to actually go get one. I'm even pretty sure that his wife would some day get over it. She's not anti-gun politicially. She's just one of those people who is afraid of them. The weird part is that he assumes that because I'm armed to the teeth, his family's protection is somehow assured under my umbrella... ....and so does his wife.

He's a really nice guy, and I really like him and his wife; but I have no obligation to place my life or my family's lives in danger to protect him and his family.
I have a philosophy in a home break-in situation that I take care of numero uno (my home and family). I call others that live next to me that are not prepared to take on a bad guy if they force entry as 'bait' houses. ;-)
That's a very apt description.

If sufficient security precautions visible from the street are present, successive burglars who visit the neighborhood will in fact choose the less apparently protected houses time after time. Burglars are nothing if not pragmatic. Their theory is that most of the homes in the same neighborhood probably have very similar contents, so why work hard and elevate risk for a well protected one when you can choose the cakewalk home and get away with the same goodies. This approach keeps them in "business" longer between arrests, and leaves the well protected homes unscathed.

The situation is akin to the safari tourist who saw a lion approaching and immediately removed his boots and put on his sneakers. When his companion observed that that was useless because he couldn't outrun the lion, the sneaker equipped guy replied, "I don't have to outrun the lion. I only have to outrun you."
by Excaliber
Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:08 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Attemped Burglary
Replies: 17
Views: 4060

Re: Attemped Burglary

Vecco wrote:
Keith B wrote:While your gesture in loaning her a gun was good, I will never loan a gun to a person who is not familiar with the type of gun until they have actually shot that gun with me at a range and proved they are proficient enough with it to be safe. IMO you could actually be doing them a disfavor when they are placed in a stressful situation and have to try and use it if they actually can't handle the firearm properly.
+10 I agree

I would never loan anyone ( maybe a family member) a gun ever.. I would always help them buy the gun they needed and help them with safety and aim.
Someone who is serious about self protection will buy a gun for themselves - they're not that expensive.

I would worry about the plans of folks who would like to have one around without making that small investment.

It's worthwhile to keep in mind that just a few months ago the former mayor of Coppell used a gun borrowed from a friend to kill her 19 year old daughter and herself.

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