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by Excaliber
Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:32 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Hubby Dropped His Piece @ State Fair
Replies: 25
Views: 5311

Re: Hubby Dropped His Piece @ State Fair

Quick recognition and smooth recovery are key in situations like this. If it's scooped up and rehidden right away with no outward gestures of surprise, it doesn't trip the "something unusual" switch that has to go on before most folks pay attention.

A second insight here is that one needs to think ahead when carrying because lots of things are different and can cause embarrassment. For example, a gun holstered at the hip can get caught under a crosspiece of an open back chair when you try to stand up and bring up the chair with it. A gun in the same position will also make a highly distinctive "clunk" if you sit down in a wooden seat like a church pew. Both of those events will trip the "something unusual" switch.

There are lots more situations like this, so an internal version of situational awareness needs to be added to the external one when one sallies forth while armed.

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