Keith B wrote:I would have called the police first, without confronting them. All confronting them does is irritate them, they do their deads and leave before the police get there. If you call the police first, don't let them see you, then the police are the witness that they were actually on your car, and if there is any damage, even if you can't get money out of the thugs for repairs, your insurance will have another witness.
Now, as for legal, once they started doing damage to the car, this is criminal mischief. If it is happening at night, legally you can use deadly force. HOWEVER, that would be a dumb thing to do IMO. Taking a life over someone doing repairable damage to your car is not what carrying is about. Besides, you will have a lot less hassle and paperwork to do on the car damage than you will a shooting investigation.
I agree with Keith.
If you mess things up yourself first, it's pretty hard for the police to make everything right. Consider that when they got there, they found:
1. Instead of calling them to deal with the situation, you had challenged a group of drunk street hoods. By nature, these folks are not about backing down and letting things drop because they've been seen, and you'll have a long wait for an apology. They're much more about teaching you a lesson about not messing with them again.
2. The hoods responded exactly as I would expect, and worked on your lesson and produced the effect they wanted - total frustration and expensive damage you will have to have repaired on your own with no consequences to themselves whatsoever.
3. You couldn't name the people involved, and all you could provide for identification is grainy pictures with resolution too poor to serve for identification purposes.
What exactly would you expect the police to do with that beyond taking a report?
Consider also that if you had taken Keith's approach and called the police with the thugs none the wiser, the police would have arrived, seen exactly who was involved (there's an excellent chance they'd know them on sight), gotten them off your car, sent them on their way, and the deliberate damage wouldn't have occurred at all. The thugs also wouldn't know whose car it was or where the owner worked, as they do now. Your "lesson" may not be over.
In other words, you would have gotten what you pay taxes for - if you had only asked for police response before you drove the situation 'way south on your own.