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by Excaliber
Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:44 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Goodbye little .380, i'll miss you.
Replies: 36
Views: 7464

Re: Goodbye little .380, i'll miss you.

jiggerachi wrote:You'd think I would have learned after watching my dad wash dr pepper syrup off the back window of his car while stopping at the next station for another drink on almost every long trip we took....insead I've kept the family tradition alive on most trips with my own family. My dad and I are pretty absent minded guys. I heard Albert Einstein was so absent minded he sometimes left his house and forgot to put on a pair of pants. Maybe its a sign of genius...yea probably not... :headscratch

Actually I think I'm going to box up the whole mess of parts and ship it to a warranty center with a vaugley written note...what's the worst that can happen...they send it back to me??? We'll see what happens.
You might get better results with the real story - they may use it in an ad!
by Excaliber
Fri May 14, 2010 2:52 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Goodbye little .380, i'll miss you.
Replies: 36
Views: 7464

Re: Goodbye little .380, i'll miss you.

jiggerachi wrote:Have you ever done something so bone-headed that you were imbarrased to tell anyone, but for some odd reason had to get it out...if only to maybe take your licks and get over it, or maybe give a few laughs at your expence? Well this is one of those times and since this is a semi annonymous forum, i'll put it here. ...go easy on me guys.

First off I am a fairly smart guy, but absent minded so im prone to doing dumb things from time to time. For this reason I take firearm safety very seriously and so far, knock on wood, I haven't had a single serious accident with a firearm. I got lucky this time...

I got home late from work, I was tired and my wife had been with our one month old son all day and wanted to get out of the house. So we both thought we'd head up to the gun shop to go looking for a decent holster for my little bersa .380 and get something to eat afterwards. The .380 was going to be my t-shirt and shorts carry piece. I pulled it out, and like I always do when im heading somewhere with it, unloaded it, left the 7 rounds on the table, locked the slide back and left the mag out, placed it in the case. Walked out of the house, put the case on the roof of our SUV while I clipped our son in the car seat. I think most of yall know where this is heading...

Well I noticed that my car that I drove that day was blocking us in so I thought i'd move it. My wife jumped in the drivers seat of our SUV. I climbed in and we drove off.

Fast forward about 15 minutes. We're cruizing down the highway and we hear this clunk clunk clunk on the roof, what the heck was that?? I looked out the back window to see my beloved little bersa sliding down the middle two lanes still in the case at 60 mph. We take the next exit and proceed to make a u-turn. My mind is reeling now, trying to think about what to do. I had no idea. I couldn't just leave a firearm on the highway how reckless would that be, I had to do something. Should I report it to the police?? I just got my CHL so I was thinking if it would be in jeopardy if they found out I was stupid enough to drop a gun on the highway. Oh well we decided to just put the flashers on and pretend we broke down in the middle lane, i'd jump out and grab the case, providing it was still in one piece.

Coming up to the spot we thought it fell off, we couldn't find the case, but we did see a bunch of tiny little black pieces of plastic everywhere. Pulled over and I thought well it's hopeless now, i'll just walk up the shoulder and see what I can see from here. On the way I found the slide, magazine, and half of the frame had miraculously made it all the way to the shoulder. Looking over on the road I could barely see the metal part of the grip bouncing around each time a car hit it. I really consider myself lucky as I recovered the 2/3rds of the pistol that had the serial numbers engraved in them.

Anyway, I feel like I've lost a good friend, I feel like less of a man. We went to chilli's I don't think I said a word for 30 minutes except "i'll have a 24oz shiner bock, better make that two of them." I didn't even have the dignity to carry my CZ 9mm with me, I pulled it out and left it in the car.

Moral of the story, I guess, is pay attention, things happens, and always make sure a weapon is unloaded if it's not strapped to your hip.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, so here you go...

P.S. keep an eye on the For Sale section. I'll have about 375 rds of the elusive .380 target loads for sale later today.
I feel for your loss.

Thanks very much for sharing something that can happen much more easily than we'd like to admit to any of us without constant awareness and double checking of our guns, particularly while they're not attached to us. This can happen so easily that, after some close calls (not with guns) I make a practice of not putting anything on the roof of my car ever - I always put it inside, so the worst that can happen is that I lose track of it in a place where it's later recoverable when I get around to looking for it.

A similar situation often occurs in rest rooms, with the gun left on the back of the toilet tank or the TP holder.

Your story is a great reminder for everyone, and I salute your courage and generosity in posting it so we can all benefit from the lessons without repeating the experience ourselves.

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