Randomoutburst, you guys did OK by definition in that particular situation, because you're both still around to share your experience. However, during your after action review, please give serious thought to MoJo's advice. It is sound.MoJo wrote:Good post but, if someone is in your home during the night stay put, guard the entrances to where you are. dial 911 and calmly wait. By doing this you are less likely to be ambushed in your own home or worse shoot some family member. We hear stories all the time about husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, children shooting a family member thinking they are an intruder. Please reconsider your actions clearing a building is dangerous enough for trained professionals much less sleepy, nervous, scared, amateurs.
A well situated defender who maintains his position will be able to successfully take out anyone moving to find him nearly every time. If you're moving and a true armed Bad Guy simply takes a good position and waits in ambush, you hand him this major advantage.
Yes, I know, there are two of you and one of him. So play out the scenario - the first one to move into the BG's line of fire goes down with critical wounds. Your next move might be to:
a) maneuver to try to get a better position from which to engage the BG (who has now moved to another unidentified location and is waiting for you to move into his field of fire)
b) go to the aid of your spouse and become the second casualty
c) retreat, look for a phone, and call 911 while your spouse bleeds out on the floor while struggling to breathe, and begging you to help him / her.
If you picked a, b, or c, the next set of choices gets even worse.
Not every situation turns out to be a mysterious circumstance or false alarm, and there are no do overs.
Please give some thought to the virtues of being the well situated defender instead of the one moving to find him.