Howdy,howdy wrote:I should have stayed in the house. This particular Glock is not in a holster (downstairs gun) and I carried it outside. I have a unobstructed view of the driveway that usually afords me to be unseen. At the time, I didn't know they were from the cable company.
Next time, I will stay in the house and let them show their true intentions. I will also follow the old rule of "if you think there is going to be a gunfight, bring a long gun".(or something like that) Actually, if you think there is going to be a gun fight, don't go.
I would also be in a WHOLE LOT better position legally if they came inside vs me going outside.
Is there a spot on this forum for "true confessions"? It would be a great learning tool for us to see others mistakes, etc without someone calling your intelligence in question.
I hope you didn't interpret any of my posted remarks as calling your intelligence into question. That certainly was not my intent.
Whenever a real life situation is posted on the forum, it is explored, questioned, whatif'd, and shoulda'd to squeeze every last usable lesson from it. By definition, we all need to keep in mind that this is done in hindsight with the luxury of time and without the pressure of making potentially life altering decisions in a matter of seconds. I think we all realize that's a lot easier than coming up with a plan of action and following it through in real time in the presence of a potential threat.
In my view, you didn't do badly at all - no one was injured, your visitors were not unduly alarmed, you didn't get in any trouble, and you suffered no loss. You had a real life opportunity to go through a potential threat identification and response process, and to reconsider what you would do again and what you would do differently next time. You may even have picked up a couple of good ideas gleaned from the feedback from other forum members. This is a pretty happy situation overall.
I personally thank you for your generosity in sharing the experience so others could think about it, learn from it, and reconsider how they would handle a similar situation. I hope you and the other members will continue to post these incidents for comment to improve everyone's ability to think their way responsibly through a situation and respond in a solid, well thought out manner when they encounter challenges in their own lives.