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by Excaliber
Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:04 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Wife had a good scare yesterday...
Replies: 17
Views: 3138

Re: Wife had a good scare yesterday...

Skiprr wrote:
flintknapper wrote:She "did good" TAM. :thumbs2:

They were definitely setting her up, but she recognized it for what it was.

Usually, I would expect an insurance scam in a situation like that. But that's usually pulled off with bad guys both fore and aft, with the BG in front standing on his brakes at an unexpected time; BG in rear is escape prevention and "witness."

This sounds like a far more dangerous robbery and/or carjacking attempt. Unless the guys in the Isuzu were simply and truly idiots...which--Occam's Razor--I wouldn't rule out: they may have been trying to find an opportunity to escape without getting caught with no license and no insurance.

But it isn't incumbent on us, or prudent, to assume stupidity over villainy when people pull a stunt like that. Good for The Annoyed Woman! (And I hope she's more encouraged than ever to keep Roscoe with her whenever possible.)
I agree with both Flint and Skiprr - this incident was quickly headed to a very bad place. TAM's wife's situational awareness (which was enhanced by the many discussions of defensive situations they've had before) rang the alarm bells before the circumstances progressed to an actual attack, which I have absolutely no doubt was waiting at the end of the trail the Isuzu's occupants were leading her down.

Congratulations to Mrs. TAM on her highly successful management of a very dangerous situation. Given the circumstances, she achieved a perfect outcome.

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