With all due respect, you really have to have your head in the sand if you don't think that there are people out there that:flintknapper wrote: With all due respect, you really have your head in the sand if you don't think there are people out there that:
Are terrified/afraid of dogs.
Harbor a hate for certain types of dogs.
Don't own dogs, and know little about them (except they are scary).
Have children that are afraid of dogs.
Immediately retreat or go on the defensive when a dog approaches (regardless of posture).
Perhaps work in a profession that increases the likelihood he/she will encounter a dog being protective of its master, property or premises.
Perhaps work in a profession that has provided him/her with training in how to deal with large dogs.
Has had a negative experience with a dog, and now regards ALL dogs of a certain breed or size to be a certain threat.
You honestly don't believe there are people like that? You don't think these feelings would influence how a person reacts if approached by a dog?
Care more about their dogs than they do people
Own dogs but don't take proper care of them including leashing them.
Immediately stick their hand out to pet a strange dog knowing nothing about it
Hasn't had a negative experience with a dog (yet)
Think everything a police officer does, be it on the job or in his personal life is because he is on a power trip and is just a retard that doesn't care about anyone else but himself and his own self centered interests.
All I can say is I won't be going to the park because they took down all the playground equipment my kids liked because they were to dangerous but that's another story.