Yep. Anyone at whom I need to point a gun, isn't my friend, and I'm not going to get into chit-chat with him. Hey man, is that a Kimber? Yeah, like it? Sure do, swell gun ... can I see it ? Sure, be careful, it's loaded .. oh no, what are you doing?? What -- BAM!!seamusTX wrote:When you've arrested a robber, I think a few white lies are just water under the bridge.PetrucciFan wrote:Towards the end of the interview, the GG said that the BG asked if he was a cop and the GG said "yes" even though he wasn't. Now, I can see his reasoning for saying yes, but could this get him in hot water for impersonating a LEO[?]
Israel has the right idea, though. The defender probably talked more than he should have. It's too easy to be distracted.
I need to get out more.