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by DParker
Wed May 28, 2008 9:56 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1642918

Re: "Waiting Room"

rob36304191 wrote:i tell you this from experience. do not use the pin. do not check your status online. it is like a drug. you will end up checking it a dozen times a day, it turns into a obsession. No matter how much you say you are not going to check it you end up doing it anyways. just trying to help...
Hey, that's not true! Why, I can quit any time I want, I tell you!! In fact, the moment my plastic showed up in my mailbox I immediately stopped checking with DPS, and haven't been back to that site since :mrgreen:
by DParker
Wed May 14, 2008 10:11 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1642918

Re: "Waiting Room"

The Annoyed Man wrote:Congratulations! Mine took exactly 70 days too.
Don't be too quick to congratulate me. I haven't done my Wally Walk, so it's not really official yet :mrgreen:
Plato wrote:Mailed 3rd renewal materials 2/19
Stuck in "Processing Application" mode since 2/25

So I'm at 78 days and counting -Oh the Humanity :banghead:
Which is really odd, since mine didn't transition from "Packet Received" to "Processing" until about 2-3 weeks ago. There doesn't seem to be any consistency, rhyme or reason to the times being reported.
by DParker
Tue May 13, 2008 11:41 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: "Waiting Room"
Replies: 6683
Views: 1642918

Re: "Waiting Room"

Got my plastic yesterday, ~70 calendar days after mailing the paperwork.

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