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by mr.72
Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:08 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?
Replies: 37
Views: 4106

Re: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?

DoubleJ wrote: nobody makes you put the safety on, it's NOT true DA/SA, but hey, whatever you say...
not to mention the price difference.

don't get me wrong, the Kahr is awesome. I've shot one, and like it quite a bit.
Hey bro I am not trying to argue :) I think the Taurus is a cool gun. It is close to the price of a CW9. I only read the literature saying it's DA/SA, I don't know if it's "true" or not. And the safety may wind up on at an inopportune moment (I speculate, how would I know?), which is not possible with a Kahr or Glock or other DAO-no-safety gun.

Standardizing on "platform" must include manual of arms at least on some level, right? I kind of wish Taurus made that little Slim with an optional manual safety. I think I would probably buy one promptly.
by mr.72
Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:35 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?
Replies: 37
Views: 4106

Re: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?

DoubleJ wrote:
nitrogen wrote:Nah.

Though I would if I could get a really good 1911 in 9mm. I figured it was better to get one in native .45acp since I can get parts for it anywhere.

What I REALLY want is a small, lightweight, skinny 9mm, kinda like the G36 only regular sized and in 9mm.
Taurus PT709 "Slim"
if you were in DFW I'd letcha shoot mine.
manual safety, DA/SA ... not much like a g36. Kahr is a closer fit.
by mr.72
Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:47 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?
Replies: 37
Views: 4106

Re: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?

Lindy wrote:
Now, pragmatically speaking, there are very few Single Action Only (SAO) (requires manual cocking, or cocking by virtue of recoil cycling of the slide) pistols.
If you mean by "very few" types or designs of pistols, that's arguably correct.

If you mean the number of such pistols in existence, given that the description includes all 1911 pistols, I think you're arguably wrong... :D

Honestly I wasn't thinking 1911s when I wrote that. I never really think about 1911s :) 1911s are a whole class of firearms on their own.
by mr.72
Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:46 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?
Replies: 37
Views: 4106

Re: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?

nitrogen wrote: What I REALLY want is a small, lightweight, skinny 9mm, kinda like the G36 only regular sized and in 9mm.
You mean, like a Kahr? Kahr CW9/P9/PM9 are very close to that description.
by mr.72
Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:32 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?
Replies: 37
Views: 4106

Re: Do you standardize on one caliber/platform?

Purplehood wrote:With the exception of my Micro Desert Eagle (.380), I stick to .40 S&W without a hammer. I am sure that there is a name for that type of pistol, but I have very little knowledge of what the terms single-action and double-action really mean.
Single-action and double-action refer to the effect of operating the trigger on the gun.

If the trigger performs two actions, notably (1) pulling the hammer or striker back ("cocking") and (2) releasing the cocked hammer or striker, then it is "double-action". If the trigger only releases the hammer or striker, which is cocked through some other action (such as the cycling of the slide or manually cocking), then it is single-action. If the trigger can cock the striker or hammer back, OR it can be manually cocked, then the pistol is DA/SA.

And on this note, some pistols have a hammer that hits a firing pin or other mechanism to hit the primer, and some just have a "striker" which is like a heavy firing pin with an integral spring. The "striker" is cocked back against the striker spring just like a hammer would be cocked back, and then released to hit the primer. The advantage of striker-fired pistols is that there is no exposed hammer and fewer moving parts.

Now, pragmatically speaking, there are very few Single Action Only (SAO) (requires manual cocking, or cocking by virtue of recoil cycling of the slide) pistols. There are a number of DAO pistols that actually operate with double-action ONLY such as a S&W Sigma or a shrouded hammer revolver. Many of the so-called "DAO" striker-fired pistols actually partially cock the striker on recoil and the trigger only pulls it back part of the way (Glock, Kahr, etc.). This is in order to reduce trigger effort and/or length.

To get back on topic, I would LIKE to standardize as much as possible or practical. I prefer 9mm DAO pistols. However, if the benefits of a different pistol outweigh the downside of deviating from my standard, then I might go for it, such as my LCP. I think there is a big benefit to having one cache of pistol ammo that can work in any of my guns, and a big advantage to having that ammo be the cheapest, and (formerly) most commonly available.

By the same token, I intend to standardize on rifle calibers as well. I have a .22LR rifle and my future rifle purchases will be limited to .223, 7.62x39 and .308, for the same reasons as my choice of 9mm for pistols: ubiquity and cost of ammo. Planning for the zombie apocalypse includes ammo stockpiles, which will be very difficult to acquire at $1+/round for .243 or .270WSM.

I have honestly considered the "bug out" options, and if we have to bug out, I don't want to have a mishmash of ammo to have to carry with me. Taking a few hundred or so rounds of 9mm and three or four guns that all use the same ammo sounds like a better plan. Also the size and weight of 100 rounds of pistol ammo affects both storage of a quantity of it, as well as impacting how easily it can be carried off in a bug-out scenario. Same goes for the rifle ammo above.

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