Yeah but in this case, it would be a similar thing if the guys taking guns to the rallies were:bdickens wrote: Imagine if the Sons of Liberty had said "we better not dump that tea in the harbor, it might disturb people and hurt our cause."
1. breaking the law, openly
2. disguised as a known criminal element such as street gang members in order to avoid identification and prosecution
I agree with the civil rights arguments! I kind of think that if we really want to press the pro-gun-rights agenda, then we should be openly-carrying loaded long guns everywhere we go, and in fact submit to arrest in order to demonstrate the hypocrisy and corruption of the government. Maybe if enough people saw some regular folks innocuously carrying an SKS to a political event being arrested and put in jail when they broke no law on national TV then enough of the passive gun-rights advocates might wake up and become a little more active.