seamusTX wrote:I'll bet that when the Blanton Museum needs police services, they call the UT police; and if you asked the UT police, they would say it's off-limits.
You could always call their security director from a pay phone and ask. His number is on the web site.
Yeah but I bet they will also tell me that the parking lots are off-limits, the public streets that go through the campus are off-limits, etc. I mean, UT is a huge campus. The Blanton is not in proximity of or adjacent to any building where they actually have classes.
Howabout the Frank Erwin Center? Let's say I go to the Circus there... is that "the premises of a school"? It's owned by UT. I find the Erwin Center to be no different than a museum in terms of it being a public venue, not used for education, that is owned and operated by UT.
BTW I am only discussing this for the sake of information and education for all of us. I don't plan to carry in any of these "gray area" places. I am not arguing, just probing for more detailed or specific answers.