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by mr.72
Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:24 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.
Replies: 47
Views: 11047

Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.

NcongruNt wrote: your statement implied that mistakenly loading the wrong round was a major reason.
I implied no such thing. You inferred it.
by mr.72
Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:38 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.
Replies: 47
Views: 11047

Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.

Whatever. I have personally watched a very experienced shooter absent-mindedly load about a dozen .32ACP rounds into a Sig P232 magazine and didn't realize the error until it wouldn't chamber a round. There is certainly a much more noticeable difference in size between a .380 and a .32 than there is between a 9x18 and a .380.

And by the way, I never suggested this was the only reason to limit the caliber selection. Sheesh. I guess some people just HAVE to argue. OK, you win. Only a blind idiot could mistakenly load a .380 into a 9x18 magazine. How's that?
by mr.72
Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:09 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.
Replies: 47
Views: 11047

Re: Make sure you know what kind of gun you have.

Loading 20ga shotgun shells into a 12ga and firing it is a recipe for disaster. The dude is very lucky the gun didn't kaboom in spectacular fashion.

This is a good reason to limit the calibers you have on hand. This is one reason why I only have 9mm handguns. It is easy to make a mistake. .380, 9mm, .40SW all look alike. If you are not really familiar with them then it could be a totally honest mistake to load the wrong thing.

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