I didn't see anything in the article about the woman being used as a hostage or shield. If anything, I would assume that she was Medrano's accomplice.j1132s wrote:The way I see it is that the attackers may know (or have some knowledge) of the victim since they are aftering a safe (that I asusme is inside the victim's house). So, it doesn't suprise me that they appear to all hispanics.
What is interesting is that, if I take the article above o its face value, is that one of the victims starts shooting when (soon-to-be) dead female victim is being used by the BG as a shield/hostage of some sorts.
What bugs me is the omission of important facts from the news story, which seems to be written to cause alarm. If it's a case of Latino drug dealer vs. Latino drug dealer, then law-abiding Americans need have little fear of a similar home invasion. If the shooters are illegal aliens, the story supports stricter enforcement of our immigration laws. Perhaps that's why Pravda on Buffalo Bayou chose to leave that part out. Of course, one can only speculate as to whether the omissions are the result of incompetence or deliberate deception.