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by pbwalker
Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:36 pm
Forum: Texas Firearms Coalition
Topic: TFC Reorganized
Replies: 88
Views: 70589

Re: TFC Reorganized

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
pbwalker wrote:Being that we're entering PII in this form, is it possible to have this page encrypted instead of sending sensitive info via clear text? Looks like it is hosted in a shared environment, so that's what is keeping me from signing up.
I'm working on that as I type this. I thought the SSL had been installed and I just realized it has not. I'll post a notice when it's done.

Thanks Charles!
by pbwalker
Thu Jan 24, 2013 7:16 pm
Forum: Texas Firearms Coalition
Topic: TFC Reorganized
Replies: 88
Views: 70589

Re: TFC Reorganized

Being that we're entering PII in this form, is it possible to have this page encrypted instead of sending sensitive info via clear text? Looks like it is hosted in a shared environment, so that's what is keeping me from signing up.

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