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by bryang
Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:21 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .
Replies: 19
Views: 1778

Re: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .

stevie_d_64 wrote:I'm not falling into this outrage about AIG bonuses, because of one thing...

I heard, and then saw that those executives that did receive those bonuses were only paid a salary of $1.00 a year...The "bonuses" were supposed to be their "contracted" compensation for the previous years work they put in...

Now, if I heard or seen incorrectly, I am certainly ok with being corrected...

Overall, I see this straight out of Saul Alinsky's playbook for what its worth...

I'm just not buying anything I see on any media outlet, they are as much to blame about the uneasyness around the world as anyone...
You are right, Steve, I heard the same thing concerning the executives bonuses at AIG. They contracted to work for a $1.00 a year and were compensated with the yearly bonuses, and the contracts took place before AIG came down. Basically, their bonuses were their wages and was something that should never have been exploited. And just think of all the horror those families went through and probably still are.

I had to google Saul Alinsky's playbook, because I had never heard of it, but he sure does shine a light on what seems to be going on today. Very interesting. I always learn something from this forum everyday...Thanks!

by bryang
Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:01 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .
Replies: 19
Views: 1778

Re: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .

I am afraid it is too late

With our current President sailing us FULL SPEED AHEAD at some global government thing, taking our childrens, childrens, childrens futures away and throwing money around like it was nothing we are already too far gone to step back to the way it was w/o some forceful restructuring of our Government..we the people have begged them NOT to bail out failing companies but they did anyway...we the people begged them not to try to spend our way out of a recession but they did it anyway, soon they will be selling the very sovereignty of this nation to some globalist agenda against our wishes...we allowed tyranny in...what will it take before we knock tyranny out?!?

Just like our forefathers..they endured taxes and restrictions and unjust wasn't until they came for the guns did the fuse on the powder keg finally burn won't be long till the "leaders" up there start coming for ours...the ONLY thing stopping America from just jumping head 1st into this global government thing is that darn pesky 2nd Amendment!
I agree, I feel like we are totally cut off from having our voice and desires heard by Washington and feel helpless to stop this train wreck. They are totally our of control and there is no one that will stand up to and say, enough, already!

I, too, fear it may already be to late. It is hard to believe what has happen in the last few months and looking ahead is getting very dark. Our "leaders" have been given more reason, in their mind, to come after our guns after what has just happen in Binghamton, NY with 14 murdered in cold blood yesterday and in Pittsburgh this morning where 3 officers were killed by another wacko. My heart goes out to all the innocent people, and their families, that has been murdered; and especially for the three officers that died in the line of duty that will not be going home to their families tonight. However, if this does not set off the antis in Washington, nothing will... It is just what they have been waiting for.

I do pray for all the families that have lost loved ones and have been torn apart with devastating pain.

by bryang
Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:01 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .
Replies: 19
Views: 1778

Re: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .

WarHawk-AVG wrote:about 90% of what our Federal Government does now a days is "Un-Constitutional"
Never a truer word spoken...or written. Our Constitution has been totally thrown aside by Washington and the crooked politicians. We do not work for the government: the government works for us..."We the People" When the government disregards the Constitution then it is time for "the people" to stand up and fire the whole bunch!
What is the matter with these states that keep voting the same weasels back in office over, and over, again!! :banghead:

Wake up America!!..before it is to late. :mad5

-geo :patriot:
by bryang
Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:12 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .
Replies: 19
Views: 1778

Re: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .

Very true! Our founding Fathers were some very wise men, however, today they have thrown out the Constitution, therefore, the words of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington does not mean anything to the leaders we have today. It seem that there are a whole lot of people in America today that has no idea about what America is all about. Most have not even read the Constitution or the words of the founding Fathers, therefore, they mean nothing to them... there is no wonder they vote the way they do. The people they vote into congress are a reflection of their own standards and principles, therefore, they don't see anything wrong with what they are doing and the direction we are headed and just keep putting the same old crooks back in office.

Okay, I'll get of my soapbox now.... :mrgreen:
-geo :patriot:
by bryang
Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:22 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .
Replies: 19
Views: 1778

Re: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .

LarryH wrote:
bryang wrote: Believe it or not, we are not near as stupid as they think we are. :mad5
We aren't, but many voters are that stupid, or more so. That's how people like Maxine Waters and Barney Frank, to name only two, keep getting reelected.
That is very true and for the life of me I can not understand WHY anyone would keep voting them in...I just don't get it?
"We the people" have got to stand up and stop this maddness and fire every single one of them. They work for us...not the other way around.

-geo :patriot: :txflag:
by bryang
Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:31 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .
Replies: 19
Views: 1778

Re: Democats in House betray constitutional ignorance. . . .

TheArmedFarmer wrote:But that's exactly the point here. They are already doing such a vast amount of unconstitutional things, why would the nation be outraged over yet another one?

Moreover, the elected reps in Washington have already taught their subjects, er citizens, that they won't listen to an outcry. They voted for Bush's bailout, and then the new congress voted for Obama's bailout, despite the hundreds of thousands of contacts they received imploring them to not put this gigantic burden on our children.

The brazen-ness of these criminals in power is breathtaking. So, honestly, what is the point of contacting our representatives anymore? It's a serious and honest question.
:iagree: Exactly!! I was thinking the same thing...I have emailed them, wrote to them, called them...and they could care less. I think every one of them should be fired , with no retirement, no health care and let them live like we have to...and get a real job. They should not be allowed to be in office no more than a 2 year term at the most and then send them back to scrape with the rest of us. Believe it or not, we are not near as stupid as they think we are. :mad5

-geo :txflag:

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