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by bryang
Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:02 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: CHL class shooting experience
Replies: 12
Views: 2638

Re: CHL class shooting experience

WildBill wrote:
bryang wrote:
This type of stuff is usually taught at an advanced class, not for CHL qualification.
Yes, I forgot to add that this teaching was advanced handgun defense and not for CHL license.

Thanks, WildBill

by bryang
Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:35 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: CHL class shooting experience
Replies: 12
Views: 2638

Re: CHL class shooting experience

fredtubbs wrote:I posted this as a reply in another post, but wanted to post it more broadly to get feedback.
Finally, the shooting approach required by the instructor, while I think was useful, also caught me off guard. It was lock and load, push straight out with your arms, fire, scan left then right with your weapon, pull straight back, turn and look over both shoulders. We did that every time. Again, while useful technique, I was prepared for something different.
That was certainly different from my experience at my CHL class. There are a lot of CHL instructors here on this forum and I'm sure they will give you a better answer.

This sounds like the way Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch teaches handgun defense. I have some DVD's of his teaching and that is what he teaches you to do after you fire to scan the area on you left and right to see if there is anyone else in the attack coming at you.

I don't know why he changed the distance...we fired at 3-7-15.

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