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by CC Italian
Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:57 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!
Replies: 38
Views: 6481

Re: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!

Makes sense what you said with the first round in the mag. I know what you mean with the "slingshot" but I have never had it happen before. I assume it is just more prone to not feed with the 10mm because of springs or 135 grain because of this incorrect method. I always used to use the slide stop to close the slide or rack the slide "slingshot" like until a Harris County Sheriff’s officer and firearms instructor told me it put unnecessary wear on the gun. I know this sounds silly considering the gun takes much more of a beating from the 10mm pressure then racking the slide good and hard but I have been told this by others who have much more experience then myself. Guess I will just go back to how I did it years ago when I first starting shooting firearms.
by CC Italian
Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:45 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!
Replies: 38
Views: 6481

Re: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!

That’s what I figured but I find it funny it only does it with 135 grain load and both magazines must be loaded fully. I tried around 10 different loads from various manufacturers and only could replicate it with this Double Tap load. If I have 14 in the 15 round mag it won't replicate the problem. I tried many times and I couldn't get it to reoccur no matter if I had 1 or 14 rounds in the mag. Same with the 10 round clip. If I load 9 in the mag and chambered a round I could not get it to occur. Like I said letting the slide slam shut will solve the problem but It also must have something to do with the magazine spring when fully compressed with a full mag.
by CC Italian
Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:13 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!
Replies: 38
Views: 6481

Re: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!

I pull back the slide and do guide it foward some. I do this with all my glocks and there is not a problem. Also I have tried pulling back the slide and letting it slam shut by hand. This will work just like the slide release and chamber the round. I just find it a little funny that it needs that much more force to chamber to light weight load. I don't have any other problems with my .40 or 9mm glocks doing it this way. The slide must be let to slam shut one way or another or the round will not properly chamber sometimes.
by CC Italian
Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:15 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!
Replies: 38
Views: 6481

Re: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!

After viewing how some with the 10mm and .45acp sfs were having problems I decided to try and feed all types of ammo from all my clips in my Glock 20sf. Well I found a feeding problem on one particular load and I thought I would inform other 10mm guys. The slide will look like it goes into battery but it is actually a 1/8 of an inch from full battery. If I eject the magazine the round will go into full battery. It happens with ONLY the first round in a 10 or 15 round clip and it happens about every 5 times I try to chamber a round. The load is Double Tap 135 grain Nosler HP. Like I said I tried it with every bullet and every mag I own and it would only be the first round in the mag. It also only does it when I don't use the slide stop release. This tells me that the extra force is shoving the slide forward and forcing the round in. If I tap the handle or slide the round will chamber.

I tried many other rounds. Doing the same routine and found no problems. I wonder if it is because this is such a light grain load that it has something to do with the first round not chambering. Maybe spring pressure? Not sure. I don't know if it would fire but if you didn't look at it closely when at the range you wouldn't notice it. I never noticed it before but like I said if you use the slide release it will chamber the round every time.
by CC Italian
Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:58 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!
Replies: 38
Views: 6481

Re: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!

Is your G29 an SF? Interestingly enough I did a little searching and found that some people have had some other problems with feeding in the newer SF models. This also includes the .45acp variants. I have a SF and have had no problems with feeding but it could be certain model numbers. The SF is kind of a 3.5 gen Glock for the .45 and 10mm if you will. Before the SF only guys with large paws could hold the Glocks chambered in 45 or 10mm with good comfort. The SF is essentially the same as a 3rd gen Glock, the main difference being grip and magazine related. Call Glock!!
by CC Italian
Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:39 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!
Replies: 38
Views: 6481

Re: Question for all Glock owners : My Glock jammed!

Well, first thing I would do is call Glock and tell them what’s going on. Have you modified the gun in anyway? You said wolf springs. Glock will probably recommend you go back to stock springs. Do you have Pearce grips or aftermarket mags? Some say the Pearce grips extensions cause problems but I have never had a problem on my G27. The only ammo I have heard of with feeding problems in the 10mm is the Gold Sabers. By any chance is it the Double Tap 165 Grain ammo you are using or Blazer aluminum? I have had really bad problems with the blazer and have heard from other 10mm guys that the GoldSabers have problems feeding. What ammo have you used? I am in the Houston area and have several different brands of 10mm if you want to run something different, if you live in the area. First things first, call Glock. I love glocks and have never had a problem except with ammo but any gun could have problems from the factory. Look what people kept saying about Toyotas and they just recalled another 400K for steering problems.

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