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by KinnyLee
Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:00 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

ea40ss wrote:As far as unloading the mag, :???: IF they were that concerned they should have searched for other mags or weapons. It could just be their policy.

Grabbing a fresh mag, inserting it, dropping the slide, safety and re-holster? :lol: :shock: I love it. I wouldn't want to be the one to try it though.

Just curious, were there other folks walking around the lot or just y'all? I wonder if everyone that entered the lot after hours that night got the same treatment?

Just a few thoughts,
It was just me and my two friends. My friend drives a 2001 BMW 325ci and I rode with my other friend who drives a 2000 Honda Prelude. The friend with the Prelude was looking at the BMWs and decided to hopped over next door to Alex Rodriguez. I don't believe we were dressed thuggishly either. As if they couldn't tell I'm armed already with a Bushmasters cap and a black 511 tactical vest. lol. But they did not searched anyone for extra weapon which I tend to carry a BUG in some instances. Haha.

I know they gave me this :shock: when they saw me slingshotting my slide back, engaged my safety, and insert my empty mag before I reholstered. Have no clue why, but these guys were a bit on the edge that night. lol.

As for other people getting the same treatment, I have no clue. I guess we appeared like thugs to them.
by KinnyLee
Tue Jan 17, 2006 9:53 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

CaptDave wrote:Kinny Lee:

Just curious, what time of the day - or night, were you at the dealership?

Were they open for business at the time of your encounter with LCPD?

Just a few observations that weren't too clear in your original post.

Glad to hear everything went smoothly.
Capt Dave. Sorry for not being clear. The dealership was not open. It was at around 11:30PM. I guess that may be the reason. lol. This is something we've done every once in a while in the middle of the night and the police activities were extremely heavy that night including us reporting a hit and run with the license plate info to the Webster PD earlier that night. I guess we should have taken the hint and went home, but we stayed and looked around anyway.
by KinnyLee
Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:52 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a try. It's definitely a valuable lesson learned at my own expense. lol. Good thing everything is peachy afterwards. :grin:
by KinnyLee
Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:50 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

txinvestigator wrote: A LEO does not need "probable cause" to stop you on private property that is closed to conduct an investigation.

It sounds as though they were hired to work there due to a particular crime problem the dealership was having.

So the officer asks for ID and the person does not disclose, as required by law, that he is carrying a handgun and does not provide his CHL until a warrant check is announced.

I would have disarmed him too, to make a point if nothing else.
I'm learning. I know that I've screwed up the moment I've done that. There won't be a next time. :)
by KinnyLee
Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:34 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

300shooter wrote: the thing that gets me is that he ran the plates and my DL and they both matched.

so if you go to bastrop Texas be fore warned they LEO's are looking to do something . the something I have no idea.

Funny thing is if they actually have done their job (investigative work) they would have figured that out. Oh well. I guess when the word "gun" is involved in a complain, they automatically jump to conclusions. So sad.
by KinnyLee
Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:31 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

KBCraig wrote:I know there are jerks, and being jerks makes the situation worse (and more stressful). But my point is, being nice and polite doesn't make "Your papers, please!" more acceptable.

Maybe I'm just not understanding what justified the encounter. You were on a car lot, looking at cars. This invites a police investigation how, exactly?

I guess because they thought we were the thieves who has been ripping off side mirrors off of their new cars.
by KinnyLee
Sun Jan 15, 2006 3:42 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

Well, the way I look at it is it could have been a lot worst. And if you want to talk about LEO who are jerks, I have a few area in mind. League City is probably not one of them. lol. I don't know. I'm still new at this, I'm sure my attitude will change as I gain more experience.
by KinnyLee
Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:43 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

Kalrog, I knew that was a dumb move by not providing a CHL ID, but I did tried to recovered. The officer did asked me how long I started carrying, and I told him around 6-7 months. He probably think I'm still a noob and thought nothing of it, but at least I still did declared it afterwards. I live and learned and I know what to do from now on. :lol:

Stevie, I didn't think all that big of a deal because they are only doing their job and following their departmental procedures. They are being very safe with it with finger high on the slide out of the trigger. And when they handed me the firearm back I got it back at slide lock, empty magazine, and a hand full of ammo (8 rds) lol. It would be funny to take out my spare mag, insert it and release the slide then reholster, but I figure I better not push my luck. :lol:

I'm still a noob at this so please be gentle with me. lol. ;-)
by KinnyLee
Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:57 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes
Replies: 40
Views: 10627

Run in with the League City Police at Alex Rodrigez Mercedes

So, me and my friend had nothing better to do and decided to check out the new cars at BMW and Mercedes dealerships at League City. We were looking primarily at the 3 series BMW and Mercedes C class to compare features and prices (I know, we are geeks). As we were walking toward the preowned section at Alex Rodrigez, we notice some guy in uniform walking towards us. We thought it was the dealership's security guard and we didn't really think anything of it because we have had security guards talking and BSed with us at the dealership at the middle of the night. He waved us over and it turned out to be League City Police. He asked us our business being here and we told him, and then he asked us for our IDs. At first I was kind of hesitant in showing him my CHL because I thought he was only going to check to see where we lived (I know dumb move, but I recovered later on) Then he said he's going to get on the radio to check us out for warrants. At that time I told him "since you're going to do that, you better take a look at this" - handed him my CHL. He then asked me if I'm carrying. I told him yes. He then took the time finding my 1911 hidden using my VM II. I took him about 5 seconds to find it because of all the layers of clothing I had on. :lol: He then handed it to his partner while his partner checked out the gun (making sure it wasn't stolen). The officer was checking out my firearm and commented "Nice gun" I said "thanks" They BSed with us a little bit about the Mercedes while checking us out. At the same time 2 extra cruisers came in. I guess they have to if a weapon is involved. After we all checked out, he handed back my weapon (unloaded) and told us that we shouldn't be here because there has been quite a few break ins where people would steal their mirrors to put on their own cars. We were kind of shocked, but we understand where they are coming from. So I reholstered my weapon, and he said "thanks for cooperating, and thank you for declaring your CHL" then we parted ways. That was an interesting night. I've always heard that LCPD are jerks, but that particular officer was very polite and professional. Only thing I didn't like was he handed me my firearm back unloaded with all the ammo in his hand. I guess they had to do that for their own safety. Big thumbs up for those guys. Well, that's my adventure for a saturday night. lol.

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