I doubt it, unless there's public outcry. My wife's branch got robbed a couple years ago. The tellers managed to sneak in an ink pack, so they were caught later, but the most compensation the employees got was free pizza while the police took statements (took a silent alarm an 10 calls before they showed up 3 hours later). Of course that could just be that particular company. If anything, I bet they'll say that the man endangered everyone there, and they'll put up a sign soon. If they guy did nothing, the robber gets away and becomes another statistic. Everyone forgets it by tomorrow. By stopping the guy, it's not national news, with the bank in a prominent spotlight. To a bank, there really is no good publicity, other than mailers.seamusTX wrote:There's always a conflict between minding one's own business and intervening. I think it's legitimate to ask why, if the bank won't hire armed guards to protect its assets, a customer should provide the service for free.
Obviously, in this case, it went well. I wonder if the bank will reward Mr. Fawzi.
- Jim
Of course I now have my tiny wife armed more than most LEOs, and the branch manager pays her better for it.
Yeah, the best you can hope for against a real bomb is a tie.HerbM wrote:If he's got a legitimate looking "detonator" in his hand with his finger on the button and it is pressed DOWN, then maybe it's a good time to "run for your life" (or slide away.)