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by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:47 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Purplehood wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
gabe wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:If a bad guy knows your armed, they may very well shoot you in the back of the head instead of trying to threaten you. Your wife running around with CHL holder all over her could easily make a theif want to steal her gun or even cause a gang banger to want to take her out for sport. This idea that people are afraid of you because you have a gun is simply not true. You and your wife aren't scaring anyone with your guns. Watch a couple episodes of that inside prison show. Bad people will feed you your gun.

Keep it a secret and surprise the bad guy. Then you and your wife have a chance. Let em know your armed and they will just take you two out commando style. Nobody is afraid of you and your gun... trust me....PLEASE!!!!
You can't turn on the TV these days without seeing your story happening in open carry states every day.

Don't get me started on bank guards and armored car couriers who open carry, There must be hundreds getting killed "commando style" every day in Texas alone.

By your thinking, there would never be a robbery of any establishment with armed gaurds. There would also never be any armed car couriers robbed. Both happen all the time. Apparently the gun showing or even the knowledge of the courier having a gun, didn't scare off those bad guys. :shock:

You make me curious now. Do open carry states have less crime??? By your thinking, they should.
I just returned from running around Portsmouth, VA and surrounding historical sites and failed to see a single case of Open Carry.
I was in Virginia several times in the past few years and never saw anyone open carrying either. But then again, I really wasn't looking for it, so even if I did see a gun strapped to someone I might have just thought it was a cop or something. I actually did not know they had open carry there until reading this forum.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:23 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

gabe wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:If a bad guy knows your armed, they may very well shoot you in the back of the head instead of trying to threaten you. Your wife running around with CHL holder all over her could easily make a theif want to steal her gun or even cause a gang banger to want to take her out for sport. This idea that people are afraid of you because you have a gun is simply not true. You and your wife aren't scaring anyone with your guns. Watch a couple episodes of that inside prison show. Bad people will feed you your gun.

Keep it a secret and surprise the bad guy. Then you and your wife have a chance. Let em know your armed and they will just take you two out commando style. Nobody is afraid of you and your gun... trust me....PLEASE!!!!
You can't turn on the TV these days without seeing your story happening in open carry states every day.

Don't get me started on bank guards and armored car couriers who open carry, There must be hundreds getting killed "commando style" every day in Texas alone.

By your thinking, there would never be a robbery of any establishment with armed gaurds. There would also never be any armed car couriers robbed. Both happen all the time. Apparently the gun showing or even the knowledge of the courier having a gun, didn't scare off those bad guys. :shock:

You make me curious now. Do open carry states have less crime??? (based on percentage of population?) By your thinking, they should. Another problem with your analogy is that you are comparing trained gaurds to the average Joe Smoe citizen. Joe Smoe is not nearly as threatening to a bad guy as a cop or trained professional gaurd.
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:57 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

.45mac.40 wrote::tiphat:

You live in McKinney ? ? ? ? ? ................. :shock:

If N, you invite US ALL to tha' Halloween party ... we'd diff. would have to carry, just to get to your home 20 !

Just saying.

Maybe you haven't been around this area in awhile but McKinney is fast becoming a "big money" area to live in. We have just recently started marketing to that area. Sure, there are a couple bad areas there as there are anywhere, but I sure don't feel threatened by anything McKinney has to offer. It is really a nice up and coming community these days. :tiphat:
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:46 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Please don't take my post as a challenge or even as an insult. For all I know you and your wife are two of the toughest folks around. I have spent more than my fair share of time around bad guys and I am trying to get you to realize they are to stupid to be afraid. They will simply alter the way they attack. Don't let them know what you have to defend yourself and maintain a low profile. Chances are good you will never need to use those weapons. Let folks under estimate your abilities... that will give you the advantage.

Personally, I see a guy who I know can beat me down, I hit him with everything I got knowing that I must take him out hard and quick. Bad guys do the same. My daughters husband is an ex-professional wrestler and very large. He rarely if ever gets messed with. He is also a great big pussy cat.... unless he feels threatened. he has mentioned more than once his worry about getting into a confrontation is that his size will cause someone to over react and shoot him rather than simply trying to fight him. Same goes for being armed.... they know your armed so they over react out of the fear that you will shoot them.
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:26 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

KD5NRH wrote:
Embalmo wrote:Though people always balk around here at the idea of a CHL badge, I think there are places where IDEALLY (focus on the word ideally) concealed shouldn't always mean concealed. If I had to walk in a scary area to my car, I wouldn't be opposed to a shirt, hat, badge, sash that indicates, "Warning CONCEALED WEAPON PERMIT CARRIER," which might eliminate the need for me to react in the first place to an attack. I would love for my wife to be able to have CHL written all over her clothing.
Just get one of these:" onclick=";return false;

If a bad guy knows your armed, they may very well shoot you in the back of the head instead of trying to threaten you. Your wife running around with CHL holder all over her could easily make a theif want to steal her gun or even cause a gang banger to want to take her out for sport. This idea that people are afraid of you because you have a gun is simply not true. You and your wife aren't scaring anyone with your guns. Watch a couple episodes of that inside prison show. Bad people will feed you your gun.

Keep it a secret and surprise the bad guy. Then you and your wife have a chance. Let em know your armed and they will just take you two out commando style. Nobody is afraid of you and your gun... trust me....PLEASE!!!!
by 03Lightningrocks
Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:38 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

We already have a piece of plastic we can show an officer if we are asked. A badge would be pointless.
by 03Lightningrocks
Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:21 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

There are folks who get a CHL because they are scared. They want everyone to know they have a gun so they don't have to worry about being attacked. They are operating under a false sense of security.

Then there are the folks who think they can whip out a badge for instant respect from the police. What most will discover is that some cops would prefer we are all disarmed. Then there is always the chance a cop will think your going for a gun when you are trying to pull out your badge and shoot you. Having a CHL badge is right up there with wearing a Dick Tracy decoder ring. It is just straight up weird.

Next on the list are the frustrated citizens who always wanted to be a cop but never went to the trouble. Now that they have a CHL, they get to do the coolest part of being a cop... carry a gun. A badge would help fill in the emotional gap left by not having a means of showing off the gun.

Then we have the majority of folks who feel a firearm may be necessary at some point to defend their lives and/or their families lives. We hope and pray we never need to use the weapon and have no desire to brag about our ability. Kind of like a martial arts expert. They just keep it to themselves and only use it when forced to.
by 03Lightningrocks
Wed Aug 04, 2010 8:09 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Cobra Medic wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:Just be careful when you attempt to pull your ID out. The police might think your going for a firearm.
Probably not a real big problem if your other hand is already holding a gun. :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: "rlol" "rlol" "rlol" Before da lock

They might think the chain your pulling is a bomb fuse of some kind. :shock:
by 03Lightningrocks
Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:38 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

jestmaty wrote:Yup, but of course, it is up to the individual to decide if it's right for them.

My father-in-law carries his in a wallet. Probably like most Texan men....

I DON'T carry a wallet, so this has become my wallet, and as I mentioned earlier, I like being able to quickly show or demonstrate some kind of i.d. to whoever else might decide to join the fray.
Just be careful when you attempt to pull your ID out. The police might think your going for a firearm. If your thinking you will just pull it out like Starsky and Hutch as the shooting starts, you need to quit watching TV and playing video games. :biggrinjester: When a cop sees shooting going on and a dude holding a gun, he ain't gonna be reading some 2x3 card hanging from your chest. He is gonna be pointing his weapon at you screaming for you to drop the weapon.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:55 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Tamie wrote:Maybe in the future people will learn from Joe's mistake and shoot the burglars first. Call 911 to clean up the mess.
And call an attorney before speaking to the police. This would be an occasion where having an attorney in advance would be a real asset.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:52 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Keith B wrote: I learned a long time ago to not let your mouth overload your butt when it comes to a defensive shooting. I have seen too many cases of someone who eventually was found justified, get really bloody in the investigation because of their macho attitude or bravado prior to or after the shoot. Take the Joe Horn case for instance. While he was eventually found justified, he received a ton of bad press and skepticism because of the statements he was making to the 911 dispatcher prior to the shoot. Had he been less vocal and less bold he would have not had near the negative attention on him while the investigation was in progress.

if I have ever read a post with more truth, I don't remember it. I always believed that Joe Horn shot off his mouth way more than he should. Bernard Getze made the same mistake. It is always best to be humble about ones abilities or capabilities ;-) .
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:27 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

NOS wrote:
Hoi Polloi wrote:The stats taken, which I haven't looked up so I'm taking your word for it, of more guns in society=less crimes overall are from a macro level. That does not necessarily mean that more guns known to be on a particular property or person (micro level) the less likely they are to have crimes perpetrated against them. Someone started a thread here the other day about all of his reloading supplies and bullets being stolen. They aren't scared of guns they know about. If they know where a gun is, they can control it easier. They're scared of guns they'll be surprised by.
:iagree: :iagree:
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:29 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Embalmo wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:
I think you might be advertising you own guns and get robbed when you are out of the house. I won't even put an NRA sticker on my truck for this reason. I would prefer the bad guys not know I have anything worth stealing.
It has been proven that crime goes down in areas where criminals are aware that citizens may be armed, and crime goes up in areas where criminals are confident that the citizens are not armed; so it would stand to reason that criminals don't like to bother people with guns.

Now even a well planned effort to take guns from an individual whose policy is to shoot intruders would be a risky endeavor, even if the bad guy is reasonably sure of the domicile's occupancy status. I wonder if police officers are the target of burglars for that same reason. Maybe they are, I don't know. Street guns don't come from Academy or Cabela's (contrary to popular liberal sentiment), and I would like to know from where the lion's share come.

In my world, advertising you have something worth stealing makes you more likely to be burglarized. Most stolen guns come from the homes of folks who tell the wrong people they have them. The rest come from random luck. Why on earth would a burglar be worried about a house full of guns with nobody there to shoot them? Darned near every home in Texas has at least one gun. But the home with the NRA sticker is the one with the serious gun owner and the one much more likely to have a nice fat collection.

Oh well... you go ahead and throw that flag up in your yard and I will quietly keep my ownership to myself.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:54 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Embalmo wrote:I hope this isn't a hijack, but I've given consideration to the idea of a serious lawn sign with window stickers that indicate that I will shoot intruders. I think, if it worked, it would be ideal, because it is my goal to never draw or fire on a threat. I guess that is really my attitude toward personal protection, I want to make the potential threats aware of my strengths so I will never have to use them.

I think you might be advertising you own guns and get robbed when you are out of the house. I won't even put an NRA sticker on my truck for this reason. I would prefer the bad guys not know I have anything worth stealing.

Edit: I see someone already mentioned this. I could have just done this...
pbwalker wrote:
Embalmo wrote:I hope this isn't a hijack, but I've given consideration to the idea of a serious lawn sign with window stickers that indicate that I will shoot intruders. I think, if it worked, it would be ideal, because it is my goal to never draw or fire on a threat. I guess that is really my attitude toward personal protection, I want to make the potential threats aware of my strengths so I will never have to use them.

Embalmo that. Then, when the BG's see you leave your house, they know that there is a high likelihood of weapons being in the house. All these signs and stickers are just adverts for the contents of your home.

My $0.02
by 03Lightningrocks
Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:47 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder
Replies: 151
Views: 20138

Re: "I Carry A Badge" Leather Concealed Weapon Permit Holder

Purplehood wrote:I haven't seen an issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine since I was much younger, but I presume that ads just like this one still adorn its hallowed pages.

OH MAN!!! I have read that magazine...It was 1980 since I last saw one. LOL...I have not thought of that magazine in years. I think I remember hearing about a murder for hire plot where someone found a guy advertising in the classifieds of SOF. Thanks for the memories. :mrgreen:

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