I will say this about it all. Initially I voted for having open carry without a license. As I consider what this means exactly, I am not so sure I think it is a good idea to do this. Open carry without a permit or license means ANYBODY can carry a weapon and not be questioned. This includes some very unsavory types that frequent many of the larger cities in Texas. It could make it very hard to know the good guys from the bad guys.flintknapper wrote:03Lightingrocks wrote:Then maybe you're waking up.This seems a little fatalistic to me.Do you NOT see your gun rights dieing a slow death? Each year, are not more and more attempts (and success) at eroding the rights of law abiding gun owners realized. So...ask yourself, is what was written really "fatalistic" or perhaps more "prophetic"?
I don't believe our right to keep and bear arms hinges on allowing open carry. If it did, we would have already lost the right to keep and bear arms, since open carry has been outlawed for more than a hundred years.
LEO do it every day (except the "strut"), and don't get so much as a second glance from most folks. What are your specific reasons/concerns about citizens doing the same?Just because a person thinks people shouldn't be strutting around openly brandishing a deadly weapon does not mean they are anti gun or that firearms ownership is in trouble.
It isn't so much the gun folks are afraid of as it is the person carrying it. Folks see LEO as being charged with protecting the public. Folks see LEO as the "expert" with special training and the authority to do what is right. Folks don't know anything about Joe Six pack or Harlem homeboy.
Well.....this would seem to contradict what many have said here, when we consider that one of the prime objections would be the backlash/startling effect of the citizenry and business owners. How do you reconcile this? Which is it?The majority of folks are neither here no there on gun ownership...meaning neutral.
My point is, until you make it an issue by allowing everyone to walk around with a gun on their hip they are neutral. Being confronted by the wild west will likely bring out the fear in the masses. People are neutral because they are allowed to be neutral. Start packing guns openly all over the place and they will likely become fearful of the very concept. So obviously there is nothing to reconcile here.
Open carry of pistols to be exact. And "concealed" carry of pistols is a "privilege" we have only recently regained. My point (apparently lost on some) is that continued lack of action to promote reinstating every gun right that we can....will eventually result in our losing them all. We have several Nations we can look to for confirmation of this.Quite frankly...if anything in your reply had any merit, we would have already lost our rights to own firearms since open carry has not been allowed for over a hundred years.
Your point is not lost on anybody. It is just that not everybody thinks the two issues are interwoven so tightly as you do. I stated as proof of this the fact that open carry has been outlawed for more than 100 years and we still maintain our right to keep and bear arms.
No, I am trying to tell you its way past time for gun owners to "stand on their hind legs" and fight for their long lost rights. For everything there is a time.Your trying to tell us that all of a sudden, forbidding open carry has some meaning it hasn't had in over one hundred years?
I did not realize that gun owners had quit fighting for their right to keep and bear arms. We do however have to choose our battles wisely.
The other issue we should consider is the possibility that many folks who have no real "position" on gun control could very well swing to the "anti-gun" side of things once they are confronted with a daily life that involves firearms everywhere they go. This IS NOT the same as the concealed carry issue...so don't try to go there. Concealed carry does not put it in their face each and every day.