iflyabeech wrote:seamusTX wrote:Everything that FedEx ships goes through Memphis, Tennessee, which means that it is technically in interstate commerce.
I don't know about UPS.
I do not like the way these issues are dealt with, but they have held up under court challenges for many years.
Lone Star Overnight is not part of this discussion, as they do not accept firearms for shipment. The ninnies.
- Jim
Jim, you might want to keep LSO in the discussion and check your research. I work for LSO and routinely carry firearms for shipment. Also easy on the namecalling! :) haha j/k
We are a great Texas based company and would love all of your business, including firearms. Our service is comparable to if not better than the big guys!
Feel free to PM with any questions.
I am not sure where you gathered this information, but if in the document you posted on page 1,you were referring to the following statement, you neglected to view the exceptions! :)
Lone Star Overnight does not accept for transportation certain specific commodities, including but
not limited to the following:
a. Fireworks.
b. Firearms and/or ammunition. (1)
c. Alcoholic beverages. (2)
d. Tobacco products. (3)
e. Perishables.
f. Meat, poultry, fish.
g. Money, cash, currency, paper money, negotiable instruments, which represent cash like bonds,
cash letters and endorsed stocks.
h. Live animals to include birds, fish, insects and reptiles. Seafood fit for human consumption is not
prohibited but must follow packaging guidelines.
i. Human corpses, human organs or body parts, cremated or disinterred human remains.
j. Animal carcasses. (This restriction does not apply to properly packages meat, poultry or fish
products intended for human consumption. Parts intended for taxidermy may be accepted if
properly packed).
k. Suspected infectious materials.
l. Shipments that may require special license for transportation or that may cause damage or harm to
personnel, equipment or other shipments.
m. Any item whose transportation is prohibited by law, statute or regulation, for any reason, in a state
where it is intended to be transported.
n. Any item which requires LSO to obtain a local, state or federal license for its transportation.
o. Wet, leaking or odorous packages.
(1) Firearms (Shipper is responsible for compliance to local, state and federal laws). The
packaging must not be marked, labeled or otherwise identify as containing a firearm. Drop box
services are prohibited on shipments containing firearms.
a. Licensee to licensee
b. Licensee to consumer
c. Consumer to licensee
(2) Alcoholic beverages (Shipper is responsible for compliance to local, state and federal laws).
Special mode of packaging in a three layered, leak proof transport system with absorbent
material consistent with quantity of liquid being shipped, is required
a. Licensee to licensee (beer, wine and spirits)
b. Licensee to consumer (wine only)
(3) Tobacco products (Shipper is responsible for compliance to local, state and federal laws).
a. Licensee to dealer
b. Distributor to licensee.