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by 03Lightningrocks
Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:15 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

Aggie_engr wrote: Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:23 pm An update on my situation, I called again yesterday and told the gun store employee I read some not so favorable reviews about them and that if they didn’t intend to complete the transaction then I would move on, report them to gun broker and leave a review reflecting my experience. All of a sudden I FINALLY get a call today from the owner saying the person who normally handles shipping of firearms is on vacation and they’re also undergoing an ATF audit. How much of that is true is anyone’s guess but it seems he got my message and my rifle was shipped out today. Shipping was a little high at $59, but I just wanted to get it over with and didn’t push back on it. Take care yall and thanks for the advice!
It does sound high for an FFL to ship via USPS. It is hard to say though because when I shipped out the last of the 5.62x39 case of 500 rounds, UPS had gone up six bucks. I figured it had to do with fuel costs. My FFL averages around 30-40 bucks to ship and box firearms I sell.At least he finally did what was right! His excuses about an ATF audit really don't hold water if he is still listing more firearms for sale. Good to read you got it handled. When you do his review, don't go and give him a good rating. Too many guys do this and it makes new victims easy to find. Tell the truth about his efforts to delay shipping and give him low grade. A high grade means NO ISSUES! Just MHO as a regular user of Gunbroker! I read the ratings and reviews before bidding a firearm. If folks let these guys get away with things like this, the ratings mean nothing!
by 03Lightningrocks
Wed Aug 03, 2022 6:10 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

Aggie_engr wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 5:43 pm I know this is somewhat of an old thread but I’m going through a similar situation with a gun broker auction I recently won on July 28th. Since winning the auction I’ve had ZERO contact from the seller, a gun shop out of Sarasota, FL, and I’ve been calling daily to try and move things along. Well the owner of the shop is the only one who handles gun broker sales so every time I call I get an employee who tells me the owner is busy or not in at the time. They have my FFL info but I’ve yet to even be able to pay for the rifle since they won’t update the shipping cost.

Well I poked around in their reviews and found numerous people had very similar experiences with this seller. This one review in particular is what I believe to be the case, "DON'T BID! Runs "No Reserve" auctions w/shipping TBD. If not pleased with SOLD $$, Seller won’t enter the shipping costs = you can't get auction item you WON. Emails and calls ignored. GB is of no help."

With that being said, is there any recourse available to make the seller complete the transaction? Tomorrow will be one week and I feel like I’m just getting the run around.
File a complaint on that seller. Gun Broker has taken that stuff seriously in the past. If he has a string of complaints, they will yank his account. Those auctions that start out with no reserve or minimum are usually a scam. The seller will often have other accounts listed to come in and bid the item up if the price is too low. There is a time limit on how long he has to give you shipping price. It shouldn't be any more than 30-40 bucks at the highest. Especially if he is a licensed FFL. He can ship via USPS priority pretty cheap.
by 03Lightningrocks
Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:42 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

Sidro wrote: Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:31 am 03Lightningrocks there is a lot of sellers running price up on guns that are on Gunbroker. Six months back or so I bid on a gun with no reserve and a buy now format. I won the bid ($350 lower than buy now price) and next morning went to make pay arrangements to find it had sold to someone else. Apparently someone bid after closing time and got it. Buyer was new to the site.
Next day same gun according to description, pictures and serial number is up for sale again same as first time. Same thing happened to another person trying to buy the gun( different first time buyer than mine). They were $250 short of buy now price. Next day gun is back same price format and runs 7 days to end of bid and sold for $20 some odd dollars lower than buy now price.
Doing a little research with BBB and on other forums found this scenario was not uncommon with this high ranked seller as several other people had same happen to them or gun with wrong serial number delivered to them and being told that was gun they bought and not the gun in the pictures clearly showing sn.
I watched both of the auctions to the closing time and know there was no bidder other than myself and the other buyer at the end of auction time.
Crooks are everywhere and some have good ratings.
I mentioned this earlier in the thread. I have no doubt that there are sellers, especially high rated sellers, gaming the system with fake buyer accounts. Far to many times I have seen some "new buyer" pop up trying to drive the price higher at the last day or even minutes of an auction. I bid what i am willing to pay and if a higher bid comes in just let it go.
by 03Lightningrocks
Tue Jul 12, 2022 10:02 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

RPBrown wrote: Tue Jul 12, 2022 9:41 am I bid on a little .22 rifle Saturday. The bids were supposed to close yesterday afternoon. I just checked my status and although I am still High bidder, they extended the bid date for another 7 days :mad5
I have sold many a firearm on Gun Broker during the last 15 years and I would almost swear to it that they wouldn't allow any changes once a bid had been placed. Something seems off here. I would send them a complaint. Maybe they allow that now but it would set up a scenario where a seller could just constantly change the closing date until he get's the bid he likes.

Quite frankly, if they did allow the seller to do that, I am the kind of guy that would inform Gun Broker that I would like to retract my bid due to the seller playing dirty. Just on principle, I would no longer want to do business with that seller. Not 6 months ago I made a mistake when listing my Stainless Colt Python and accidently made it a buy it now for 1575. I realized what I did wrong within 60 seconds but before I could change it, some guy bought the darn thing. As much as it bothered me leaving 500 bucks on the table, I honored the darn sell.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:50 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

texas yankee wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:27 am "suspicious that the seller used a secondary account to push the bid higher." - I've bought and sold a few guns on Gunbroker, and I wonder about that, too - the thing is, IF the seller is using a secondary account just to bid the price higher, if the secondary bidder actually wins the auction (bids too high and no one else bids over his bid), then the GB fees would still be due on the sale, right?

As to the taxes and fees, for the guns I sell, I always make sure to clearly state that BUYER PAYS SALES TAX and BUYER PAYS ACTUAL SHIPPING.
Gun Broker also tells them they will be charged tax. Some of my sales are fairly high dollar. I think the taxes have a way of sneaking up on them even though Gun Broker makes it clear they have to pay them. They just started that in the past year or so. Some new law passed that most if not all states adopted and they are looking for their cut. The couple buyers I have had who were not happy, seemed more bothered by the additional fees GB adds for handling that sales tax. Technically the buyer was always suppose to pay their state taxes but nobody ever did that voluntarily. Ebay now has the same tax policy. Amazon was one of the first to start adding taxes.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:28 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

Jose_in_Dallas wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 5:26 pm I was in the same boat with eBay many years ago. Playing up on the bidding and overpaying for what I got caught up on. Now a days, when I see something I want, I set a maximum price I'll pay for something and leave it at that. I've bid on stuff that I suspected was being driven up by a friend of the seller. The way I see it, if you don't fall into the trap of overbidding, you don't lose. And just maybe, just maybe, the "friend" who's bidding up the price will win and the buyer loses out on selling it.
I think this is a possibility on all the auction sites. The safe bet is to do like you said. Decide the max you will pay and leave it at that.
by 03Lightningrocks
Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:16 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

RPBrown wrote: Fri Dec 24, 2021 10:14 am A couple of years ago I was bidding on (2) Savage 99’s. I figured I may have a chance by bidding on 2. One of them I won for $800.00. The other that ended a few hours earlier I was the high bidder until 1 minute before the end. My bid was $875.00. At exactly the 1 minute mark (I was watching) a new bidder (6 day member) bid $1100.00. I too was very suspicious of that.
I was extremely happy with the one I got at $800. And it has dropped 2 nice bucks since there is some sentimental value to me for that particular model. My mother had given me one that belonged to my grand dad when I was 15. That was my only rifle until I was 40ish. Since I hunted on the family property I left it at my mom and dads house. Came up at Christmas one year and planned to go hunting while I was there. My rifle was missing. No one seemed to know anything about it. A year later dad told me my brother had stolen it along with his favorite rifle and some other things and pawned them. For the longest time, brother and I fought every time I was around him to the point I stopped going. He finally turned his life around, paid me what he got for the rifle (not near what it was worth) and we have somewhat mended fences.
I know this one is not the same one but the sentiment is there.
I had a similar situation. My dad was killed in Vietnam when I was 9 years old. He had a few pistols and several rifles. None were real high value. He was a Kentucky boy and spending big on firearms on a military salary weren't part of his ways. It was about hunting purposes for him. All but three of those rifles managed to disappear over the years after I left home at 16. When I realized they were turning up gone I immediately went in and got the last three rifles he had left and still have them to this day. I have always suspected my youngest brother or some of his miscreant friends of the crime. He was always a selfish kind of person with very low morality standards. It is somehow worse when a family member does something like that. Glad you and your brother have mended the broken fences. I can't really say the same thing. His very presence is enough to make me mad...LOL.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Dec 23, 2021 7:31 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

The gun has now been bid up to 800 dollars. Here is where I get suspicious of cheating a high rated seller. This guy
Brutus529 NR
Member Since 12/18/2021
suddenly comes in at the last couple hours and pushes the bid up. He registered five days ago. No ratings at all. I have seen this happen on high rated sellers many times in the past. It makes me real suspicious that the seller used a secondary account to push the bid higher. Maybe I am wrong but there it is.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:49 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

carlson1 wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:09 pm
03Lightningrocks wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:19 am It is the 4". I only bid 600. I was hoping with it ending on Christmas Eve I might get lucky and catch someone sleeping. I just got outbid. If I had the funds, I might have gone to 675. Not going to do it but it may go for a pretty good price. I have sold a few guns on GB and sometimes it seems like people get worked up on "WINNING" the bid and over pay.
Yep that is me and my wife has grounded me from Gun Broker. That thing about being a good “looser” never fit my personality.
A couple weeks ago I listed my Auto Ordinance Thompson 45 with a hundred round drum magazine and one extra 30 round stick magazine. A guy paid 2475.00 for it. I watched them war over the gun. He overpaid by about 500 dollars for the package. GB has a fifteen minute rule which keeps people from "sniping" the gun at the last second. A new high bid adds fifteen minutes to the auction. As a seller I like it because it gives buyers a chance to sit there and talk themselves into bidding higher again. As a buyer I hate it...LOL.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:57 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Re: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

Tex1961 wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:39 am Years ago my FIL and I went to a police gun auction in Baytown. The place was packed with a lot of everyday blue collar guys looking for a deal. At that time I subscribed to the Blue Book of gun values and brought it with me. There had to have been over. 200+ guns there. Anyway we walked though and jotted down any that had any interest, noted condition, etc. and went back to our chairs. Did a quick check on values, etc. on each and got ready for the auction.. Needless to say within 30 minutes we pretty much got up and left. Those guys got all caught up in the bidding and were paying new and more than new prices on everything..

I've been to several different auctions since then and can understand getting caught up in bidding wars, but whew.... You gotta be informed before you decide to bid on something like a firearm.... People also forget about taxes, shipping and FFL charges. That can easily add up to $100.00 on your purchase..
Gun Broker did not add taxes a couple years back. It made it automatically cheaper. Now they add tax based on buyer location and also add a fee of 2% on top of that to cover their expenses of tracking that tax. I sold five firearms last month and was stunned by how much that number increased the price. I sold a pair of 1977 model 29's for 3600. They were unfired and consecutive serial numbers. GB added 326 dollars for taxes and "fees". They guy who bought them was not happy with GB. The guns were beautiful so he got over it when he saw them.
by 03Lightningrocks
Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:19 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker
Replies: 28
Views: 15187

Attempted to buy a Kimber Pro Carry ll on Gun Broker

It is the 4". I only bid 600. I was hoping with it ending on Christmas Eve I might get lucky and catch someone sleeping. I just got outbid. If I had the funds, I might have gone to 675. Not going to do it but it may go for a pretty good price. I have sold a few guns on GB and sometimes it seems like people get worked up on "WINNING" the bid and over pay.

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