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by j1132s
Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:53 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: How to aim
Replies: 6
Views: 1113

Ok, it was mostly luck

Just want to follow up on my original post regarding a break thru on my shooting. After 7 range trips and shooting 80-150 rnds each, I was not able to repeat my initial success (actually didn't come near).

In fact, after a few range sessions, I started to get worse. However, I
am able to keep the 7yd groups at 1", which was much better than my
old 2" and I'm able to shoot better 1 handed than 2 recently.
by j1132s
Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:56 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: How to aim
Replies: 6
Views: 1113

Focus on the front sight

Thanks BobCat.

The techniques you described does work, and I've been using them for the past few months. Using the techniques in your suggestions, I had a big improvement in my shooting results. However, I reached a plateau of sorts, and my groups (patterns) remained at about 1-2" at 7yds.

Once I picked up the aim suggested in my above post, my group gets down to 1" today. Since I didn't find this info in the beginning, I thought it may be not very well known and decided to post. Also, I was very excited about I (hopefully not due to luck) achievement.

I also read that when shooting, you are not supposed to see where your bullets struck and should hold your breath when squeezing the trigger. I'll add these to my test tonight.

Thanks for adding these suggestions.
by j1132s
Fri Jan 27, 2006 3:10 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: How to aim
Replies: 6
Views: 1113

How to aim

Well, today while working, I got bored :) acutally more like sleepy and feeling tired. So I decided to take a range break. While going thru my 3rd magazine, I remembered an advise from the net (can't remember where I read it):

Aim below the bulleye at its 6 o'clock position to get a consistent aim. I.e. the bulleye is a black dot, so you aim below it instead of in the middle of it. (I've always been aiming on the bulleye, which at 7 yds is very large and there's lots of room to move and still be inside it.)

Anyway, so I put 4 shots into the same hole at 7yds and the 5th shot when 1/2 way in using the method above. I was amazed. Unfortunately, my next 5 bullets didn't learn anthing from the first 5.

I'm so excited that I think I'll be heading to the range again after work and try to duplicate what I did.

This is the first time where I got 4 consecutive bulltes into the same hole and a 5th one almost in it. Some more info for the curious: gun used SigPro 2009, ammo was Blazer AL.

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