Charles,Charles L. Cotton wrote:Do any of you instructors use or know anything about electronic fingerprint scanners and software? I'm tired of ink print problems and I'd like to get the equipment/software to do it electronically. I've done a search, but can't find anything. There's a bunch of site dealing with biometric security and access to PCs, but nothing for my application.
I just received this from the people who produce the equipment for "Fast Print". I did not get a brochure yet but if your interested let me know and I will forward to you. The equipment is still a little expensive for me. When I originally spoke with them it was $18,300.
We have a new 4100 product that is much smaller and a bit more affordable. You’re still looking around $15K but you will not be able to transmit to the state. I attached a product brochure and copied my Inside Sales Manager, Scott Olson. Please feel free to reach out to either of us for help.